Journal Entries
Bad Day at the Office
Posted May 31, 2001
I am having the most stressful, annoying day ever. I won't bore you with the details, suffice to say that it feels as though my head will explode unless I get out of here very soon and get copious amounts of alchohol down my neck. Looks like I chose the wrong week to give up smoking. None of it's my fault but, like the proverbial mushroom, all the s***e gets piled up on top of me and it's up to me to clear it. There are some bigger guys than me around and they have their own shovels, but will the help, will they b*****y!!! Any advice on how to cope?
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Latest reply: May 31, 2001
Researcher Returns
Posted May 16, 2001
Welcome back to myself. I was first registered as a researcher ages ago but I can't even remember what my original name was. It was DNA's death that brought me back to the site as I felt that I needed to keep in touch with him in some way. His death has left me numb and disbelieving. It's so sad that there is no more to look forward to from him. But maybe if we keep building this guide and supporting the projects he supported we can perpetuate that creativity in some way.
Douglas, if you were wrong about the afterlife I hope you are enjoying it. If you were right then it doesn't really matter, does it?
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Latest reply: May 16, 2001
Steviebab (Squad No. 8)
Researcher U174327
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."