This is the Message Centre for Old Uncle Zarniwoop
Thanks for all your help.
Mina Started conversation Feb 28, 2003
We've noticed that you don't seem to be on the Gurus email list, so we presume that you're not into being an h2g2 Guru anymore. We're therefore removing you from the group.
If for any reason you do still want to be part of the volunteer group, just reply to this message and I'll add you back on.
Thanks for your help on h2g2 in the past. We hope to see you on h2g2 again sometime in the future
Thanks for all your help.
Old Uncle Zarniwoop Posted Feb 28, 2003
Whoah!!! My Gurudom has been taken away from me!!
To be serious for a moment though, I was always wondering why my services as a GURU were seldom called into action. I had no idea I wasn't on the e-mail list!! I'm always willing to help anyone who needs help and am always glad to help. Of course i'd like to continue been a GURU. I put it down to sheer forgetfullness. I've just come through a busy patch but now I think i'll be able to give enough time to H2G2 to make my GURU status count
Could you add me to the email list, I wonder why I never got added
Regards OUZ
Thanks for all your help.
Mina Posted Mar 2, 2003
We always invite Gurus onto the list, maybe the email went astray. But the email list is very quiet, most of the Guru work is done onsite. If you read <./>Gurus-what</.>, you'll see that most of the Gurus answer questions on site as they come up.
As it's the weekend, I can't do anything now, but if you've been in the forums answering lots of lovely questions when I'm back in the office I'll add you back on.
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Thanks for all your help.
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