This is the Message Centre for Arpeggio - Keeper, Muse, Against Sequiturs, à propos of nothing in particular

Messages of support For Arpeggio and LeKZ

Post 41

7rob7: Give Me Love (Give Me Peace On Earth)

Actually, Mark, I was speculating on the creation of something like a forum 'arena', not a panel or more work for the Editorial staff. Maybe put together a new catagory of volunteer -"Arbiter" or like that - who would make themselves available to moderate a tightly-focused thread in which disagreeing parties could attempt to settle their differences between/amongst themselves within, oh, say a week. If the matter unfortunately could not be resolved within the specified time, *then* the editors would step in to render judgement, with the added scrutiny of the Arbiter's synopsis.

It might take some of the 'bogey-man' pressure off the Editors, and I would imagine most problems could be resolved well before you felt dragged into them.

"That which doesn"t kill us makes us stronger." If nothing constructive ever comes of mistakes, why bother making them?

Just a thought(s). Thanks.


Messages of support For Arpeggio and LeKZ

Post 42

Dorothy Outta Kansas

Hey Lucinda et al - smiley - cuddlesmiley - hugsmiley - kiss

I'd not seen the cuddle before, so I had to come and play!

As I posted before the political section: I'm proud to slide off the fence for once, and don't care who notices me!

x x Fenny

Messages of support For Arpeggio and LeKZ

Post 43


Fine Mark goodbye and thanks for all the fish.

Messages of support For Arpeggio and LeKZ

Post 44


I've noticed how often my name is mentioned in this forum...would people please not speculate about me or the posting I made (especially not behind my back) because I don't really have much to do with Arpeggio being banned.

I mean, of course you can talk about my posting and stuff, I can't stop you, just *please* don't use my name, it's making me feel scared and sad and annoyed.


Messages of support For Arpeggio and LeKZ

Post 45

Fenny Reh Craeser <Zero Intolerance: A593796>

I'm not blaming you Niwt! smiley - smiley Don't worry!

I don't think many people *are* blaming you, and the ones that are, if there are any, don't matter! smiley - winkeye

x x Fenny

Messages of support For Arpeggio and LeKZ

Post 46

Mark Moxon

Lucinda: "However, that's not what this thread is about. In any case, I am fully confident that the editorial team made their own judgement independant of that of any potentially biased complainants. Just as their judgement is independant of those of us with the opposite viewpoint here on this thread. And that is as it should be. smiley - smiley"

Bravo. Agreeing to disagree is something we can all agree on. smiley - smiley

"Now that Mark has removed the soapbox he put here, can we all go back to expressing support?"

Just answering questions and correcting speculative comments - sorry if it sounded like a soapbox. Any time you want me to morph into a corporate yes-man, you just yell - then it'll *really* be a soapbox! smiley - winkeye

Messages of support For Arpeggio and LeKZ

Post 47



I appreciate your presence here and the answers you have given. I'm sure we all do, even the times when the answers had to be words to the effect of, 'That's just the way things are.'

I don't think you were sounding like you were on a soapbox (maybe a peach crate). smiley - smiley

There is an unfortunate effect of your being the ultimate voice from the Towers, you attract attention just by being present in a conversation. After all, if *Mark* is interested, it must be interesting. smiley - smiley

I suspect that the back to normal comment simply reflected that your active presence simply distracted from the support we were expressing. It confirmed that we had gotten the attention of the 'powers that be' and presented an opportunity to ask specific questions and receive specific answers.

Now that you have said all that you felt necessary to say and have said that you said it. We all accept that and the reasons for that.

Thank you for keeping an eye on what goes on here and for being willing to respond.

Those who have more to say on this subject and those who have not yet expressed their support for Arpeggio of LeKZ, but who wish to, will say what they need to say.

I'm sure that, if they fail to read the backthread, those of us who are still watching this thread will advise them to do so. And I am equally sure that if something is said here that you feel the need to comment on, that you will be open and forthcoming.

Thanks again.


Messages of support For Arpeggio and LeKZ

Post 48

a girl called Ben

When is LeKZ's suspension due to end?

And (though I don't really expect an answer to this one) how is she or are they?

It grieves me deeply that anyone should feel hurt or should feel attacked and abused to the extent that I suspect she does feel hurt, and attacked and abused.

Having read some but by no means all of the back-threads I am sure that many of the people she was hurt by, did not in fact intend harm.

No-one is innocent, no-one is guilty. Alas and alack.

Still, I do care deeply about H2G2, as well as about the researchers here, and so I ask again, when in LeKZ's suspension due to end?


Messages of support For Arpeggio and LeKZ

Post 49


On Wednesday I believe smiley - smiley

Messages of support For Arpeggio and LeKZ

Post 50

Mark Moxon

She'll be back on Wednesday (tomorrow).

Messages of support For Arpeggio and LeKZ

Post 51


Hi Ben

LeKZ's suspension is due to end on Wednesday.

I hope things have calmed down sufficiently for LeKZ to slip back into the community, with a clean slate. I don't think that dredging up old arguments is going to help anyone, least of all LeKZ, so let's all try to get over this incident and move on towards better and more interesting things. Okay? smiley - smileysmiley - tea


Messages of support For Arpeggio and LeKZ

Post 52

a girl called Ben

A lovely cup of tea smiley - tea - what a great idea!

Messages of support For Arpeggio and LeKZ

Post 53


Well said Peta smiley - smiley

Messages of support For Arpeggio and LeKZ

Post 54



You may email LeKZ to find out for yourself. Just do a web search for LeKZ and you will find their web page address.

Or you can email me, my email address is on my home page, and I will send it to you.

To the best of my knowledge, LeKZ has not asked anyone to post anything about their state of mind. Though they have made themselves clear to many of us. Those feelings have changed from day to day and it would do no good to post them here until they have decided what they are going to do. At that time, I'm sure that some person of LeKZ will let us know.


Messages of support For Arpeggio and LeKZ

Post 55

Martin Harper

I believe the phrase "soapbox" was yours, Mark - though they do say that alcohol abuse causes memory loss... smiley - winkeye

Messages of support For Arpeggio and LeKZ

Post 56

Martin Harper

Sorry Niwt, but I'm afraid this conversation had to take place somewhere, and Mark rather dictated that that place would be here - there was certainly no aim to go behind anyone's back. smiley - sadface We've been using your name solely as a way of identifying the post involved - we could just as well say "the post in the Andrew thread", and I'll be using that phrase from now on. smiley - smiley

Scared of what, pray? Any way I can relieve your fears? smiley - cuddle

Messages of support For Arpeggio and LeKZ

Post 57

Fenny Reh Craeser <Zero Intolerance: A593796>

Niwt - let me add my support/comfort to Lucinda's.

LeKZ - it's Wednesday, welcome back!

x x Fenny

Messages of support For Arpeggio and LeKZ

Post 58

Mark Moxon

"Mark rather dictated that that place would be here"

Absolutely - mea culpa, of course. It had absolutely nothing to do with people kicking off the Conversation with fairly harsh accusations about the in-house team's conduct, I suppose...

Anyway, enough already. smiley - smiley I'm off to let Arpeggio back in.

Messages of support For Arpeggio and LeKZ

Post 59

Arpeggio - Keeper, Muse, Against Sequiturs, à propos of nothing in particular


Hi. We saw this post, and sent an email to Mark and asked him to forward it to you. For reasons that are irrelevant here, he refused.

We all of LeKZ are really sorry you've felt 'scared, sad, and annoyed'. smiley - blue It seems to us there have been a lot of people feeling those same things recently. That's no excuse for them not to care about your feelings. We believe they do. We hope no one will talk so casually about people behind their backs, now you have pointed out how icky it feels. smiley - yuk

Sorry you felt that way. We really understand the feeling and it isn't a pleasant one. smiley - sadface

smiley - hug
Arpeggio, for LeKZ

Messages of support For Arpeggio and LeKZ

Post 60

Arpeggio - Keeper, Muse, Against Sequiturs, à propos of nothing in particular

Thank all of you who tried to make a friendly and supportive thread here for us. smiley - kiss It was a very lovely idea, Pillowcase! smiley - hug We appreciate all of you who said kind things to us here. smiley - biggrin

Alas, 'the best-laid plans of mice...' Nobody is going to say you didn't try. Those of you who were supportive and friendly, smiley - rose thanks! That was sweet.

And so it goes, and so it went. smiley - alienfrown

In the interests of maintaining a healthy and positive attitude smiley - zen, we hereby from this forum, and request that everyone else do so too, so it dies a natural death. Otherwise, it's going to be hanging around on our 'space', irritating us, and we can't remove it. smiley - cross

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