This is the Message Centre for ChiefNautilus

Your Stick Insect entry

Post 1


I am your friendly sub-editor for your entry on Stick Insects, and I'm working on it at A6257991. Feel free to pop over and have a read, and make any comments you feel necessary.

Just one point for future reference - all GuideML tags need to be in CAPITAL letters in the edited guide, and I am having to go through your entry and change them all from lower-case to capital. Just to make life easier for your next sub-editor (I presume you'll be putting more entries into Peer Review...) can you check that all your tags are of the form rather than etc?

Anyway, I'm about half way through your entry at the moment, so it shouldn't be too long before I'm done and it can go back to the editors. I'll let you know when I'm finished so you can have one last read-through and check that you like what I've done.

smiley - panda

Your Stick Insect entry

Post 2


Ok, sorry about the lower case tags; I'm used to automatically putting lower case in for web code languages such as html etc. It must have been really annoying for you to have to change them.

Anyway, glad to have you on my side, after all, this is my first guide entry. If you need any input from me then just ask, I hope everything in the entry is clear.

I'm sure you're doing an excellent job, keep up the good work!

Your Stick Insect entry

Post 3


Everything's clear, thanks. All I need to do now is a final spell-check, and then it's back to the editors. So any last-minute things you want me to do with it?

smiley - panda

Your Stick Insect entry

Post 4


No, everythings good thanks. What happens after this phase?

Your Stick Insect entry

Post 5


Well, now I've polished up your entry, and you've said you're happy with it, I send it back to the editors. They have a quick look to make sure I've done a good job, and then the next time you see it will be on the front page smiley - biggrin Bear in mind, though, that there is a queue of entries waiting for the front page, so don't worry if it doesn't appear for a while. It'll be there eventually smiley - smiley

smiley - panda

Your Stick Insect entry

Post 6


Great! - it really must be time for me to start writing a second entry...

Your Stick Insect entry

Post 7


Go for it!

smiley - panda

Your Stick Insect entry

Post 8

Gnomon - time to move on

Well done, ChiefNautilus! "Stick Insects" is on the Front Page today!

smiley - bubbly

Your Stick Insect entry

Post 9


With a piccie, none the less! smiley - bubbly

smiley - panda

Your Stick Insect entry

Post 10


Wow, that's fantastic!smiley - cool

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