Worship The 42

Face it - the World naturally needs Researchers.

Maybe not as much as it needs some sanity, common sense and donuts (or pizza, depending on your favourite round food tastes), but it still needs them.

Without Researchers there wouldn't be aspirin, books, the Internet or -your favourite round food here-.

A Researcher practically seeks answers for unanswered and unimportant questions and then presents the results in such a complex and ambiguous manner that we would be all better off without them.

In a sense, we could say that the (unfortunately and sadly) late Douglas Adams was a Researcher. He went ways we never imagined existed, studied them and converted them to black words on white paper and delivered it to us in such a masterful way it confused us but explored parts of our soul we never knew exitsted or thought to be lost forever. Long live the Master.

But you might be asking yourselves where I come in.

I'm asking that myself.

However, I have found the answer.

And it smells like 42.

Go figure.

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Welcome.. May 13, 2001


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Researcher 173615

Researcher U173615


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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