Journal Entries

All over...

Wow...well those went surprisingly well. I'm now the proud owner of a First cybernetics degree.
I suppose I ought to start looking for a job or something...

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Latest reply: Jun 26, 2002

Noo! More exams

I first came here in the middle of my university exams, and now I've come full circle. I'm 6 days away from finishing my finals, then I've got to give a presentation, and then I'm out of university! At the moment, this is definately a good thing - this final year has just about killed me.

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Latest reply: May 25, 2002

No more exams!

Wheee! I've finished all my exams, and have a couple of small things to finish up before the end of term, but that's about it.
I got a 2:1 for this year overall, which is pretty cool. Now...where's the beer?

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Latest reply: Jun 22, 2001


Oh dear university 3rd year exams are upon me. The sole blessing is that they're open book...
I can't believe how much I have still to revise...I have stacks and stacks of paper, containing everything from State Space Systems, to Molecular Transport Mechanisms in the Human Body.
smiley - yikes

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Latest reply: May 12, 2001

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