This is the Message Centre for The Gordo

Hi there...

Post 1

Dancing Ermine

I'm one of the ACEs (assistant community editors), we're the ones who come and give you an official welcome to the site. Of course, most of us would give you an unofficial welcome as well since we tend to be helpful/nosey (delete as appropriate) people like that.

Most of us ACEs (that'll be anyone linked to from the ACEs Homepage or anyone with ACE after their name) have also been around the site for a while so should know what we're doing. So if you have any questions feel free to ask. Of course, if I can't answer, I'm going to look embarassingly silly, but I'll still be able to point you in the direction of someone who knowssmiley - smiley

If you haven't already seen them, there's a couple of introduction pages that kind of explain what the site is about:

Of course other than the writing stuff most of what happens goes on in the fora attached to people's homepages and articles. The conversations cover a huge range of topics and often drift mightily from the initial posting but they're generally fun. Most people are happy to talk with anyone who comments on their pages but if you feel uncomfortable with that, the AskH2G2 page is always looking for people to ask or answer various questions. You can find it at:

Not everyone wants to get quite so involved and some prefer just to go around reading the articles and fora that are already there, laughing out loud, usually. What ever you like, most important is that you have fun on the site and I hope to see you around again smiley - smiley

As I said, if you do need any help, or want to know anything more about the site, or even just want a chat, just hit the "reply" button and I'll be back as soon as possible smiley - smiley


Hi there...

Post 2


Hello from me to smiley - smiley Hope you are enjoying the place so far, and if DE can't help I might be able to.
Have fun!

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