This is the Message Centre for Indefatigable


Post 1


Hey, Indefatigable. I thought you said you'd be online on weekends?

Btw, 'Princess Mononoke' r0x! smiley - smiley


Post 2


And you've been posting to 'Opinions on Corsets' all week! Hey, don't you like us anymore? If you're confused, here's a clue:


Post 3


smiley - erm I'm really sorry about this. When I haven't been busy this week I've been too tired to be creative, I guess. I have the same problem when I try to write fiction.

Before you say anything, I can debate and argue and philosophise when I'm tired, it's just creativity that I have a problem with. That's why I've been posting in other threads. Please don't be offended. I'm not snubbing you guys or anything.

I'm noticing, though, that you guys just go a mile a minute, and there's no way I can post often enough to keep up. I log in and start reading, and I think, "Cool, here's what I'm going to do--" but then it turns out that there's a whole lot more thread than that, and the situation has actually been long over by the time I got there. smiley - doh As I said in the FFFF, if it would be easier for me to just drop out of the game, I will. I've tried many times to play online RPGs, and I always have this problem. I can't even geek properly... smiley - flustered


Post 4


Aww, you poor thing... smiley - cheerup

Personally, I can always be creative, at least when it comes to role-playing. I can't argue when I'm tired. I always philosophise. No, I mean it, constantly.

Oh well. I always feel bad when losing players. It harks back to the olden days (yeah right smiley - tongueout) when I was the Dungeon Master (or whatever) for a Play by E-Mail game. Argh, I always felt so guilty when I wasn't constantly writing about the cool stuff that was happening in my cool world in which the cool PCs did cool stuff. And I felt even more depressed when someone just disappeared without a trace. Why did he leave? Was he p***ed off at another player whose PC had been mean to his PC? Did he think the game was boring? I am never offended by stuff like this, I just feel a great loss. To me, it seems like there are these really cool people everywhere who can write and act through writing -- and when they do it together, all sorts of cool things happen. The creativity rubs off and creates some kind of positive feedback loop where everyone writes cooler/funnier stuff all the time.

In short, I love role-playing, and I hate it when players leave. smiley - sadface


Post 5


I was trying *not* to leave, because I really did want to play for a while, but I just haven't been inspired. The one really successful RPG I can remember was a real-time freeform MUCK thing. We'd been planning it for a week, so I was ready for it, and it worked out really well.

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