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Christmuse Dinner
Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde Started conversation Nov 26, 2001
The Christmuse Dinner ( ) is scheduled to begin on Thursday, December 13th this year.
All muses are invited and encouraged to bring friends or family. Arrive early if you would like to help set up or greet other partiers.
The spirit of Christmuse, not to be confused with Christmas, has nothing to do with religion or commercialism. It is a time of Thanksgiving. Please see the above link for details.
I would like to ask all muses to give one another a special gift, if you are able. Please randomly select another muse(and not yourself, and not the Musemother). The Musehome Roster is at If your muse has a link to the SSS page, please visit the place they have advertised. We all would like visitors to the places we've created on h2g2.
If your random muse does not have a special place on h2g2, please drop them a friendly greeting on their userpage.
This is a gift of time, and brother/sisterhood. If you can't do it, that is perfectly fine. I'm not taking the time to investigate who visits and supports who, nor would I want to.
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Christmuse Dinner
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