This is the Message Centre for Jade, Young Demi-Goddess of Semi-Sanity & Sower of Chaos Who Has No Exquisite Reason For 't, But Has Reason Good Enough


Post 1


I just joined h2g2 today, and decided to take a look at who the other newbies were. Your extra-large nickname was too good to ignore, and should be nominated for some sort of award. If there is no award that is appropriate, then perhaps one should be created.

BTW, I'm not a Texan, but I was nevertheless thinking of forming an association of my own: something like Alliance to Increase Worldwide Use of the Word "Howdy" [AIWWUWH]. You see, "Howdy" opens doors, and makes the speaker sound so down-to-earth and friendly.

However, that word is probably the ONLY thing from Texas worth salvaging.

Anyway, have fun on h2g2.


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