This is the Message Centre for PANAMA


Post 1

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Hi, and welcome to h2g2! My name is Amy, and I'm one of the ACEs (Assistant Community Editors) here, an official meeter and greeter. So meetings and greetings. smiley - biggrin Here's some pages of interest:

The ACE homepage: --where you can meet some of my fellows and learn a bit more about what we do.

The Guru homepage: --these people know everything... if you have a tech problem they're the people to go to.

The GuideML Clinic: --where you can learn more about GuideML, the markup language of the Guide. It's similar to HTML, but easier.

Smileys: -- learn to emote with the best of 'em! smiley - cakesmiley - coffeesmiley - bigeyes

If you need anything, drop me a post; otherwise, enjoy!


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