This is the Message Centre for Portable Chaos

Hey Portable Chaos....

Post 1


....and welcome to The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy : Sol III Edition smiley - smiley I am Crescent, an Assistant Community Editor (or ACE) smiley - smiley We meet and greet new arrivals and, if they need it, help them settle in smiley - smiley So if you have any questions, or problems, with the site we are here to help smiley - smiley Click 'reply' below and tell us everything smiley - smiley We shall see it and do what we can to help smiley - smiley If you regularly wander around in a foil suit and a Saddam mask, then that may explain the 'sectioning' thingie smiley - smiley Well, until later....
BCNU - Crescent

Hey Portable Chaos....

Post 2

Portable Chaos

thanks for your kind welcome, i have just finished an intented article about Charles Bukowski and would appreicate any comments. i will post it in the writers workshop [ if this is the wrong place to post it please would you let me know ]


Hey Portable Chaos....

Post 3


Good first Entry smiley - smiley Not quite enough to become an Edited Guide Entry, well yet smiley - smiley It seems like an excellent introduction to the man, but it misses out on a quick look at his literary career, a quick intro to his most famous works, did he belong to a 'school'? Hmmmm, then again, maybe I am just talking gibberish smiley - smiley It is a good first Entry, and looking at it again it may be able to be an Edited Guide Entry - you may want to post it to Peer Review at - Good luck smiley - smiley Until later....
BCNU - Crescent

Hey Portable Chaos....

Post 4

Infinity, Thingite Grand High Witch and wysiwyg the black cat. Please participate at A626221.South Africans to A579459

I have just read your article and enjoyed it. I posted my thoughts under the guide entry.

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