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*Kitty wanders in*
Pandora...Born Again Tart Posted Dec 16, 2004
Kitty!!!!! !!!!
Honest to God, I was JUST thinking about you!!! Both!!
Ooooo Aendr!!
It's certainly been a long time coming!
*Kitty wanders in*
Kitty Posted Oct 28, 2011
*kitty wanders back in from a short (in Cave Lion terms) hibernation*
*aendr now has two cubs of her own, a boy cub and a girl cub*
*Kitty thinks the boy cub is strangely biddable, but the girl cub is much more like a cave lioness, in other words a pawful*
*Kitty likes the girl cub a lot, even if she does pull his fur when pulling herself up to standing*
*Kitty wanders in*
Phil Posted Nov 3, 2011
I'm sure that Kitty is doing their best to teach Aendr's cubs the right way in life. It's a hard job but something has to do it (as much as you can with a cave lion)
*Kitty wanders in*
Kitty Posted Nov 3, 2011
*Kitty is trying to teach the boy cub some rambunctiousness, but he's rather contemplative. At least he likes sausages and milk.*
*Kitty wanders in*
Phil Posted Nov 3, 2011
The boy cub will eventually get it, even if it takes half a lifetime. I'm sure you're doing all the right things.
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*Kitty wanders in*
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