This is the Message Centre for Zalisander, Muse of Mayhem!
Aaaah! A kindred spirit!!
Ming Mang Started conversation Apr 4, 2001
Heya Zalisander!!
You sound EXACTLY like me!! *slightly spooked- she hasn't realised anyone else can be so exactly the same as her*
I'm an ACE, which basically means I've volunteered for the 'official' job of meeting and greeting newcomers to the guide - a 'welcome mat' as someone said. I think they were being sarcastic when they did say it, but it's a fair description I guess. Except that not all of us are flat and hairy...
If you have any questions at all, then you can drop by my page (just click on my name) and ask, or go and ask all the ACEs at their homepage and they will do their utmost best to help you. Cos we're friendly people.
And just in case it is a while before you get back and read this don't worry, I'm going to sit here eating endless s and
s until you return, so there's no hurry, I'm very fond of
s. Please do feel free to have one (or more) as well!
Hope you enjoy h2g2!
Aaaah! A kindred spirit!!
Zalisander, Muse of Mayhem! Posted Apr 5, 2001
will do! thankyou for the offer of doughnuts and help, i need help but im not sure about the sweet stuff(i'm already sweet enough)
nice to meet you, iv been chatin to a lot of people on here and its super cool. maybe i'll see you around....
-Zalisander. (aka the )
Aaaah! A kindred spirit!!
Ming Mang Posted Apr 5, 2001
OK. I'm glad you're finding your way about! If you need any questions at all answered, please feel free to ask.
Aaaah! A kindred spirit!!
Zalisander, Muse of Mayhem! Posted Sep 6, 2001
Got one! Did you miss me?
OOps i have another!
Did you even notice i had been away?
-Zalisander, muse of MayHeM, and campaigner for various things.
P.S Stupid girl is an imposter, the real stupid girl had blonde hair!
Aaaah! A kindred spirit!!
Zalisander, Muse of Mayhem! Posted Jul 1, 2003
Are you still around? I'm attempting to dig up all the people I used to talk to (not many) I wonder how everyone is two years later...
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Aaaah! A kindred spirit!!
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