This is the Message Centre for Infinite Improbability


Post 41

Sailor Mercury

Ooooooooh yeah, you no have a Gameboy, sowwy smiley - sadface I also forgot what I asked!!! And it was Elecmon who found da harmonica, he was playing it, remember?

- Ummm... Mewtwo and Lapras can psychically, but I can't remember...
- Oooh... Cheeseburgers? Well, he says he won't make anything using tofu!!!
- TOFU!!!
- Geodude
- Huh?
- Scizor - I got one on Gold and Silver!!!
- It had that weird collar thing on it, and it's eyes were freaky!!! Asides from the fact that Tai's Greymon is soo lame!!!
- Primary Village, and dunno
- Elecmon, Frigimon, Meramon, Leomon, Centarumon and Mojyamon?
- Tokomon!!!

Eevee - there is Flareon, Jolteon, Vaporeon (my favourite!!!), Espeon and Umbreon!!! If u wanna see them, go ono a Pokémon Gold and Silver site with pictures, and you may see them there!!!


Post 42

Infinite Improbability

Not just cheesburgers ... bacon cheeseburgers!
Misty heard the toy store owner call her by name, but she hadn't told him her name, the only one in town who dios is Glyger Man, so the toy store owner is Glyger Man!
There are yokomon and koromon villiages

Part Twenty;
What do they call the teacher (of the computer-addict)'s Scizor?
How did Glyger know who Glygirl was?
How does Elecmon fish?
What color are the Digimon Emporer's sunglasses?
HOw many legs does WOrmon have?
WHere is Tracy now?
Who does Kurt dress like?
How did Pikachu make the wild pikachu herd like him?


Post 43

Sailor Mercury

- Not seen it
- Ditto
- He uses his Super Thunder Strike in the river, and gathers the fish in a net.
- Yellow?
- Six, I think...
- Working with Professor Oak?
- Dunno...
- He saved the ickle Pika!!!

Hey, if I'm not on for a while, it's cos I'm in the middle of ym exams!!! Also, I'm away from June 29th - July 11, and July 21 - July 28!!!


Post 44

Infinite Improbability

Gold frames and purple glass.
"ickle pika"? Do you mean little Pikachu? By the way, there shouldn't be any baby pikachu's now that we knwo about Pichu. Unless you lead me to believe that baby pichus can evolve into baby pikachus

Part 21:
What happens to Brock whenever someone mentions Professor Ivy?
What is another name for the Blimp Brigade?
Who has a beast within?
Which world was Mimi afraid they'd accidently go to through Myotismon's gate?
Name as many of the ten digimon keycards as you can.
WHo's brain has been cooked into a french fry?
WHo'd even give izzy three?


Post 45

Sailor Mercury

Ya, when I say icke Pika, I mean the little Pikachu - it doesn't really work now that Gold and Silver have been finally released over here =S

- I can't remember... I missed that one =(
- I dunno, but is that when Team Rocket had the blimp? Cos I musta missed an episode for that stroy!!!
- Myotismon!!!
- A world where Digimon and people switch skin!!!
- Gomamon, Agumon, Shogungekomon (or whatever), Centarumon, man, I've got em in my head... Gazimon, gawd, these are hard!!! I'll get back to you ^_^;;
- Dunno...
- Tentomon


Post 46

Infinite Improbability

Part 22:

WHich two evil digimon have been inside of their masters?
WHo should amuse themselves?
What are digimon paddleboats shaped like?
What does the ground of Primary Villiage feel like?
WHat did Brock add to the food Prof. Ivy gave to Butterfree?
What name does Tommy take when he joind the Kangaskan?
Who is always thinking?
What color is Etemon's Dark Network attack?
What does Etemon have strapped to his hip?


Post 47

Sailor Mercury

Blummin eck, your questions are getting hard!!!

- Ogremon and... Dunno O.o
- Is this of Pokémon or Digimon, cos I dun have a clue ^_^;;
- Swans
- It felt like something that was soft, but I can't remember what...
- He crushed some berries to add to it?
- Tommo
- Izzy
- Green?
- He has a Monzaemon bear on his hip, but I thought he had something else?


Post 48

Infinite Improbability

Demidevimon was inside Venomyotismon, remember?
Ken is always thinking "Never talk when I'm thinking, and i'm always thinking so never talk!"
the amuse yourself is from a digimon quote. who should?
Maybe he has a microphone, too?

Part 23:
What color are Safari Zone pokeballs?
What color are the radar blips on digivices?
Who'd like to take a few swings himself?
Name the locations of all of the crests.
What were the tags next to in the convenience store?
What doesn't Myotismon like about Gatomon?
What is Togepi's attack?


Post 49

Sailor Mercury

OOOOOOOoooooooohhhhhh, YEAH!!! And I'll try to remember where it's from, I have it now, but I can't remember O.o

- Green!!!
- Red, or is it white? I dunno...
- DAMN, CAN'T REMEMBER!!! I blame my exams...
- Tai's was... damn... Joe's was at the football place where the Greymon was, TK's was near the Koromon village? Mimi's was on top of the cactus, Sora's was held by Datamon, Matt's and Izzy's were down the well!!! Kari's was held by Myotismon!!!
- I dunno... They were the tags of the Digidestined. That about all I know.
- Her eyes (I like them though ^_^)
- Metronome!!!


Post 50

Infinite Improbability

You still have to do the keycards!
In season one the blips are pink, in season two they are the color of their owners digivices (if you see a yellow blip it's Cody)
The tags were next to the jerky!
Give the swings one a little more thought.

Part 24:
How does Pikachu say 'togepi'?
Why can't Brock wear the Mr. Mime costume?
What is Tracy's last name?
Which pokemon did Ash and James use in the pokemon exam battle (the one with "a jiggly-puff seen from above")?
What is red but has no words?
How did Ash and company escape the warp panel room?
Who destroyed Team Rocket headquarters?
What color is The Boss's suit?


Post 51

Sailor Mercury

I will think, but it's SO hard!!!

Part 24:

- Pi-pi-pi!!!
- Cos he's too tall!!!
- Sketchett (or summat)
- James - Pikachu, Charizard, Ivysaur
Ash - Arbok, Weezing, Meowth
- Dunno...
- With the little psychic girly dude!!!
- Can't remember...
- It's brown? Dunno...


Post 52

Infinite Improbability

A Volcano Badge is red but has no words!
The Boss' suit is orange.
Mecha-mew Two destroyed Team Rocket Headquarters.

Part 25:
Why doesn't pikachu like to be in pokeballs?
How did Ash and company repair the meowth balloon in the mountains?
Which digidestined actually says the energize of 'digiarmor energize" as just one word, without a pause?
What color is Misty's swimsuit?
What is special about Puka?
Richy names his pokemon. What are they?
Which Nurse Joy is supposedly normal?
Who did Ash steal a bik from besides Misty?


Post 53

Sailor Mercury

O.o, I'm getting bad at this...

- I dunno, but he doesn't like being confined...
- Is that when Brock used Vulpix to provide the hot air for the balloon?
- I dunno... Is it Cody? I've seen him do it a few times. But when they do say digiarmour energize, it really annoys me with the pause!!!
- It's yellow?
- Puka can, and I quote 'feel the waves'...
- Sparky (ikachu), Happy [I think] (Butterfree!!!) and Zippo [I think also] (Charmander!!!)
- The one in Gringy City?
- Team Rocket


Post 54

Infinite Improbability

Kari has no pause, another reason why I like her. That stupid "digiarmor ener...........gize!" always drives me insane!
Here are the keycards: Agumon, Gomamon, Shogungekomon, Leomon, Etemon, Centaurumon, last four?

Part 26:
How did Meramon and Frigimon help out when Joe and Mimi were hungry?
What do Numemon hide in?
What color is Leomon's hair when he is possesed by many black gears?
How did Lilymon defeat DarkTyrannomon?
What did Sora say before her crest glowed?
What did each of the digidestined reminise about inthe sewers below the factory?
How much time passes between appearences of Humunga Dunga?
What color is Jan's surfboard?
What pokemon is painted on Ash's surfboard?


Post 55

Sailor Mercury

Ummm... keycards - Gazimon, and i am SO annoyed, cos I can't remember them!! And the pause in Digiarmor Ener......Gize!!! annoys me too!!!

Part 26
- I dunno how Frigimon helped, but Meramon was cooking food!!!
- Vending Machines
- Grey?
- She put a flowery wreathy thing around his neck, and he turned good ^_^
- Is that where she was running along and cried out 'No, Birdramon, I Love You!!!?'
- Tai: Taking a bath after soccer matches.
Sora: Hanging out laundry
Matt: His mom cooking steaks
T.K: Beating Matt on videogames
Joe: Missing homework
Mimi: ???
Izzy: ???
- 20 years
- Red
- Psyduck


Post 56

Infinite Improbability

I saw the keycard episode today, so:
Gomamon, Agumon, Leomon, Shogungekomon,Digitomamon,
Etemon, Centaurumon, Kuwagamon,Gazimon, Elecmon
Frigimon chilled the drinks!

Part 27:
What did Joe use to bandage Ogremon's arm?
Whcih digimon protect Myotismon's gate?
How did Gatomon awaken them?
Who fixed the warp in Myotismon's castle?
Who defeated Shogukumon?
What color is the water outside Gennai's house?
What does he feed his saltwater fish?
What pokemon was on Victor's original surfboard?
What excuse did Ash get to visit Seafoam island?


Post 57

Sailor Mercury

That's right!!! I knew he had a use for him!!!

Part 27
- Toilet paper...
- Devidramon
- With her tail ring thing
- Megakabuterimon (but was told he did when he had changed back into Motimon)
- Was it Weregarurumon?
- Pink
- Salted nuts, pretzels and summat else O.o
- Pikachu
- Dangdangdangdangdang I can't remember!!!


Post 58

Infinite Improbability

Salted popcorn!
He was going to ask Westwood 5 about the evolution of Slowpoke!

Part 28
How does Babumon communicate?
How does Vademon summon a meteor shower?
Where does Ash massage Pikachu?
What legitimate business enterprise was Team Rocket considering?
Who programmed the Slowpoke file in the Pokedex?
Which two pokemon files was the Pokedex confused about?
What does Brock use as ID?
Who solved most of Blade's riddles?
What did Gary demand that Ash do for some of his food?
What did Melvin demand of the hypnotised Ash to confirm the hypnosis?
What does Bruno eat stew with?
What was the "purpose" of Ash and Brock carrying stones up a hill?


Post 59

Sailor Mercury

Your questions are getting SO hard, but I'll try my best with them... I'm not as good as you ^_^;;

Part 28?!-

- Psychic Telepathy? I dun have a clue ;-;
- With that weird kissy-thingy!!!
- Where Pikachu's electric sacs are in Pikachu's cheeks!!!
- Dunno... ^^;;
- DANGDANG, It was one of Westwoods, wasn't it?
- Slowpoke and Slowbro? ;-;
- His Pewter City Gym Leader bagde!!!
- MMMMMMISTY!!! (Sorry about that, but it is Misty!)
- Run around in a circle three times and say 'Pikachu', I think...
- Turn around three times and act like a Bulbasaur!!
- Chopsticks?
- To build a fire thing with...


Post 60

Infinite Improbability

Team Rocket was going to open a restaurant.
Westwood 5 said that one of his assistants probably wrote the Slowpoke file.
The Pokedex was confused about the male and female ninoran files.
"If you can control physical nature then you can control your inner nature as well."

What other shows and movies do you like? I'd like a few otehr shows to write trivia questions for.

Part 29:
How did Bellsprout defeat Pikachu?
What is the evolutionary advantage for the Slowpoke/Slowbro evolution?
Name the order of armor formation in the Wargreymon warp digivolving sequence.
How about Metalgarurumon?
Name MagnaAngemon's sword.
What color is it?
Who besides Piedmon have fallen into the Gate of Destiny?
Approximately how many Angemon feathers formed the digiegg?
What was Izzy's logic for eating the food on Cokatreemon's ship?

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