David Doyle

Hi, I'm Dave and this is my first entry. Read on for an amazing tale of how a boy from a small town in Worcestershire rose to become...a woman from a small town in Worcestershire? No, that can't be right. Okay, here's my Top Tens:


1) Taxi Driver
2) My Fair Lady
3) Braveheart
4) Notting Hill
5) Star Wars: Return of the Jedi.
6) Shawshank Redemption
7) The Matrix
8) Good Will Hunting
9) Something About Mary
10) Schindler's List


1) With or Without You - U2
2) Layla - Derek and the Dominoes
3) Santana and Rob Thomas - Smooth
4) Every breath you take - The Police
5) "Don't want to miss a thing" - Aerosmith
6) Song 2 - Blur
7) My Generation - The Who
8) 20th Century Boy - T-Rex
9) House of the Rising Sun - The Animals
10) Babe - Sonny and Cher


1) Catch 22
2) Goodnight Mr Tom
3) Mort
4) Rape of the Fair Country
5) The Rise and Fall of Reginald Perrin
6) The Invisible Man
7) I am David
8) Star-crossed
9) Othello
10) Hitch Hiker Guide to the Galaxy (of course)


1) Rugby
2) Hockey
3) Football
4) Table Tennis
5) Basketball
6) Squash
7) Ice Hockey
8) Biking
9) Tennis
10) Swimming


1) George Grosz
2) Rodin
3) Leonardo Da Vinci
4) Pablo Picasso
5) Salvador Dali
6) Jacob Epstein
7) Felix Nussbaum
8) Wassily Kandinsky
9) Hans Holbien
10) Matisse

That's about it for now. Please comment

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