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oh the excitement of the day
Tabitca Started conversation May 22, 2008
I am waiting for a parcel to be delivered then will walk to the doctor's surgery to collect a prescription. I already have tonight's dinner in the slow cooker( well for Nessie as you never know what time she will be in) and have emptied the left with a few boring chores like clean the bath...except the cleaner sets me off wheezing....the excitement of the day underwhelms me completely.
You know I think I will be glad to be back at work.Roll on June 2cnd.
Meeting with personnel tomorrow afternoon to sort out the whys and wherefores and my specialist appointment is 4th June so things may be getting sorted out at last
Must remember to ring Hairdressers to get hair cut before I go back to work. to all. I hope you all have a day filled with excitement!
oh the excitement of the day
Tabitca Posted May 22, 2008
I read it .excellent
I entered the caption competition too show willing.I entered twice so might be disqualified
oh the excitement of the day
aka Bel - A87832164 Posted May 22, 2008
No idea about that. I don't think it says anywhere that you can't suggest more than one, does it?
oh the excitement of the day
Tabitca Posted May 22, 2008
doesn't matter if I am B'el .It's the taking part that counts so I am told. I don't think it does say anywhere you can only enter once..perhaps for future comps. it's something to think about?
oh the excitement of the day
aka Bel - A87832164 Posted May 22, 2008
Don't know. The more comments, the merrier. After all, it's up to anybody themselves to post more than one comment. The winner had two last time (even though they were within the same posting), so I guess it's OK.
oh the excitement of the day
Tabitca Posted May 22, 2008
it might encourage more people to take part if they can have a few go s!
The post is late today...I think postie must have gone for a cup of
oh the excitement of the day
Tabitca Posted May 22, 2008
yes that was the one yesterday. we have a nice one as well but he's not on everyday. The nice one usually says hello and asks after the cat.The sun is out,though still a bit chilly...I suppose he could be sun bathing????
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oh the excitement of the day
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