This is the Message Centre for Tabitca


Post 41


have to go stuff to do..catch you about 9pm if you are backsmiley - smooch


Post 42

JohnnyK - I am the 2%

OK smiley - smooch - gotta go too - and do the 2nd laundry cycle smiley - laugh...

Byee !


Post 43

Yael Smith

Umm... smiley - blush I hope you have a lovely, restful Christmas. Bob knows you deserve one.smiley - hug


Post 44

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Any news on the case? smiley - cuddle


Post 45


Hi smiley - smooch the landlord has until 16th of December to just hanging around waiting
smiley - hug for Elly thank you and the same to you.

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