Hi! I'm Meredith.
Lost in the vast recesses of interior Connecticut (USA), I find myself frequently seeking the sheltered comfort of my towel.
Yes, my towel.
I have discovered that it is not only a handy thing to have while hitchiking across the galaxy, but it is expecially useful in the ever-changing environment of New England in Spring, in Autumn, and, well, pretty much any other season as well.
But, I suppose that's all really rather secondary to the phenomena I am privileged to witness each day as I continue to research the intricate workings of a software company, the odd behavior of motorists at rush hour, and the particularly odd occurrance of towns shutting down at 7pm each night - including weekends. I am even subjected to the bizarre dichotomy of the high tech mixed almost 50-50 with the pre-industrial.
In the copious free time that is granted me by the ever-courteous denizens of this fair state, I have found much enjoyment in a variety of activities to be offered ... give me a minute, I'll think of one eventually...
OK. Just kidding, it's not really that bad. I have found that I have been infected with a dread disease that has swept across the face of this state called "UCONN Women's Basketball". The symptoms of this disease include making contribution to CPTV, arranging your schedule so you can watch the televised games and listen to the non-televised ones, knowing the name of all the players - including the non-starters - seeing nothing wrong with winning a basketball game by 40 points, and a hatred of Notre Dame and Tennessee. There are other symptoms, but as one is suffering from this disease, it is hard to list them all here.
Aside from that, I have many non-sport related interests. In the interest of keeping this introduction short, however, I shall stop there.
And say, "Hello. Welcome to my page." And follow that up with, "I'm not always the most reliable correspondent, so don't be suprised if you don't hear from me on a regular basis."
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Open for Analysing... | Mar 29, 2001 | Mar 3, 2010 |
A few more words on the Classics . . . | Mar 30, 2001 | Jul 10, 2002 |
Researcher U170191
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."