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2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Started conversation Feb 25, 2019
much happened of late... just lots of gym... - doing basically half an hour or more cardio each time, useually high intensity interval training on treadmill, cross trainer, elyptical or stair treadmill
- actually think we may be outside tomorrow, doing things with medicine balls and probably running etc
- the weather has suddenly gotten a lot nicerer
and warmer
Went to the pub last night, saw a pretty decent band - I do love that pub... very very anchient, mediavial in parts I think, and last night, there was the band, and the table to one side of us was some people speaking French (possibly French, or potentially any of the other countrys that speak French), and the other side of us, was a group of people speaking Spanish (students I guess), and I wasn't the only transvestite in the pub
- I was the only transvestite with a moustache though, natch
- its a popular pub especially with mature students, PhD and the like, plus a lot of locals non student sorts
been eating a thai curry the last three nights, and we'll have the final night of that tomorrow (I always do a big batch meal, curry or stew type, once a week this time of year)
Other notable food highlights have been cauliflower and stilton risotto and the cauliflower and chickpea curry a few weeks back
Bought a new leopard print blouse/shirt, a few days or so back... and some new leggings for day to day wear (as opposed to gym ones)
have put off the next IGF-1 blood test, as I'm due in hospital in a couple weeks anyhow, for the next testosterone IM injection, so we're going to have the IGF-1, baseline testosterone, thyroid panel, electrolytes, FBC etc, all done then
Went to a local pituitary association support group meeting on Sunday, in a nearby café, though only a few people turned up, chatted about prolactanomas with one girl, and the other girl I've met before has panhypo like me, so we chatted all things TSH and ACTH etc, plus talked a bit about DI - although none of us actually have it - the girl I've met before seemed very pleased when I told her my recent thyroid anomalies, and IGF-1 supprising going high; her first thought, was, 'your pituitary is recovering then...' - now just to make Drs see this possibility as a serious one, and do appropriate dynamic testing, as/when appropriate
I think this time, for certain, if they won't be receptive to this idea, then I'm going to go private, and pay for the testing, or try see about transferring to a London hospital
- at least if I went private, I could just book the tests I know I want/need, and have them done pretty local to here (useful when a lot end up being fasting tests, or day-long dynamic testing etc
Not struggling at all with exercising, despite not taking any levothyroxine, and despite now being on an ultra small, 2 MG morning dose of the prednisolone,
May try sort a few more bits of junk from loft for dumping this week, and we must start getting bathroom refit quotes in soon, so we can get that done this year, finally I hate that kind of disruption to the house, having major works done, and not having access to a bathroom/shower/bath for a week (OK so I guess I can use the ropey old showers at the gym, just to keep vaguely clean)
I am, much to my PT's interest, investigating getting the necessary equipment, to start making my own sausages but still not sure....
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2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Feb 27, 2019
very much a day of not a lot today sorted through the wardrobes, rearranged some dresses, to move the more summer ones nearer the front
and then went through my blouses... got a bag full for the charity shops; mainly too tight now, over my biceps, and across back/shoulders
took those to the charity shop, then went and bought a new leopard print short sleeve blouse (like the one I got a week or so ago), and picked up a new pair of jogging/gym bottoms; just in plain black, so, as they do* fit my ever-increasing quads, I can wear for gym, or just for going out
used the new credit card contactless to buy them, so at least I know now it activated OK the first time I Used it, in conjunction with the PIN... - which reminds me, must still stick that card in for Paypal, and some other online stuff, plus set it as the default on my phone/google pay, as I get cash back on this card, unlike the other one, plus I can access the balance/account for it online (long ago lost the online details for). then... did not a lot else, lifted some weights, at home using our Olympic bar
gym in morning
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