This is the Message Centre for Thorn

Hallo Thorn!

Post 941


Well, the loaf was okay and if people take slices of that with jam it isn't a total loss.

I just had a funny image in my mind of a "the pies of war" instead of the dogs of war because of that. smiley - ermsmiley - laugh

Hallo Thorn!

Post 942

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - cheerup

Dogs of war?

Hallo Thorn!

Post 943


smiley - ermIt's from somebody I forget the name of. From some famous speech or other.

smiley - hug

How are you today?

Hallo Thorn!

Post 944

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

Ah, ok... don't know about it.

smiley - puff did much work today, so I'm tired
smiley - hug

How are you?

Hallo Thorn!

Post 945


Let down.
By a girl again.
Over a get-together, kind of a thing.
More of her idea than mine but if she'd not wanted to then why did she say she did for?

People in this valley are extremely insincere. They'll say they'll come over to your house, that they'll invite you to things and then more-often-than not they don't.

But I'm going to be a grownup about it. smiley - cross

Not a single person will be bothered to come over this vacation.smiley - doh
And I know not all of them are away. It's statistically unlikely.

But other than that things are fine.
smiley - strawberries

Tired you say?

Hallo Thorn!

Post 946


Better now, but tad disappointed in this friend of mine.

Hallo Thorn!

Post 947

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - sadfacesmiley - sadfacesmiley - cuddle that's a shame, I'm sorry

I know what you mean... if I meet someone in vacation it's usually more likely to be Mala than someone who lives near me.

Yes, tired. smiley - yawn

Hallo Thorn!

Post 948


Yep. Friends lie and say they will do things with me but the only people who are around much of the time are long distance penpals.

Sounds like you've had a long day.
smiley - hug


Hallo Thorn!

Post 949

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

Yes... I know what you mean. smiley - hug Well, I don't have many friends left. Most of them couldn't be bothered to even answer emails and so we lost contact.smiley - erm

smiley - hug yes, absolutely
I found a list of about 75 possible questions for my next exam and answered 20 in words and sketches and then looked through 2 books of about 400 pages for stuff to write for this wokr I have to do.

Hallo Thorn!

Post 950


smiley - wow That's alot.
You're on a roll.

Hallo Thorn!

Post 951

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - smiley yes,it really went well today

Hallo Thorn!

Post 952


That's good.

Hallo Thorn!

Post 953

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - yawn I'll go to bed soon, I'm really not able to do much more, whatever it may be

Hallo Thorn!

Post 954


Goodnight then Tavaron.

Hallo Thorn!

Post 955

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - smiley thanks, and you have a nice evening/afternoon and then also a good night

Hallo Thorn!

Post 956


yw and thank you.

Hallo Thorn!

Post 957


Hello Tav, how are you?

Hallo Thorn!

Post 958

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

I'm fine, thanks. I'm just visiting Mala in Germany again. Las weekend we had a small hootoo-meet and I also met friends from an online game. It was really a lot of fun.

How are you? Got over the thing with your 'friend'?

Hallo Thorn!

Post 959


Yeah, he was right, I am too introverted and kinda sensitive but I don't need a blockhead like that as one.
I guess.

Been sick for awhile but about to go on vacation again soon. Up near Lake Tahoe...

Hallo Thorn!

Post 960

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - cheerup Yeah, you're better off without that one.

smiley - cool Have fun at your holidays.

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