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Malabarista - now with added pony Started conversation Oct 10, 2006
Thought I'd come badger (badger badger) you over here, too.
The more, the merrier in the rpg! Ultimately, though, you'll have to talk to Dmitri - but he won't be on much until Thursday, I'm afraid.
Thorn Posted Oct 10, 2006
Ah. Tried twice before I had, back when there were two books.
Read the thing, the whole thing...
Did slog my way through to middle o' the second one... or summat, but now that there are five, thinking maybe I can head off the pass by passing the quiz er, well enough.
Now that there are five, occasionally I would what's the word? yes, reading a piece or bits and snatches to see what was going on that people were doing in there.
I don't know, would say not bad for a person of only 19, and well, almost 1/2... now, if only I could do something about that blasted eyebrow.
Er, but enough about self-absorbed silly & sulking me, how are you doing?
Malabarista - now with added pony Posted Oct 10, 2006
I'm sure you'll manage, and we'd be glad to have you on board
Though I'm afraid many of the chars with neuroses are mine...
I'm 22, have an exam in 35 hours and have only read 2/3 of the book, and, as it's 5:15 a.m. here, I'm up way past my bedtime and off for a bit of sleep
G'night, and see you around.
Thorn Posted Oct 10, 2006
Goodluck to you on your test.
I... would not mind.
It would just mean that we would have to,
collaberate. A bit.
Yes, I know what that is like sort of. Blasted paper to do on a phonebook's worth of history & old-dead politics that are so stale people are still even debating yes or no over it today.
On the one hand, learn a tricky new program for a project in the other.
Oh, and by the way, badgers are a fun animal, they wouldn't make such good modern pets though. Namely because the claws can dig these holes through things as thick as concrete.
Old Scottish lords and people would keep them as pets though sometimes.
Malabarista - now with added pony Posted Oct 10, 2006
Thanks - this exam is *on* history. Architectural history and theory, to be exact.
badgers are kinda cute, but stinky
Thorn Posted Oct 10, 2006
Hmm, I'm studying to get into something with biology and medicine in it.
If my humor has a tendency to occasionally run a bit more into the er, dark & grisly sometimes, that would be due to things like dissections.
"Well, *offended* What did the dead thing ever do to any of you? Quit staring at it like you think it had frogs on it or something and had moved around, and just get to dissecting it or cleaning the mess up."
"Hey! It died so that you could increase your knowledge of how 'living' systems worked. I respect that (at least)."
Although it may sound kind of ironic.
Malabarista - now with added pony Posted Oct 10, 2006
No problem. Both my parents are biologists, and I lived on a farm for a lot of my childhood...
I've knelt in a pasture, picking out the maggots that were eating a sheep alive. You won't scare me
Thorn Posted Oct 10, 2006
}Phew{ I must try not to be so grisly about things though nevertheless. A sordid mind doth ring unpleasantly for others more often than not. Oops.
Yes, what boggles the mind is that there is life and death going on all around people all of the time and some of the time in ways and on a scale that they never might relize at the time. Every day I think, is it... someone is born and someone else may die, possibly?
Anyway,- it's those intimate processes of growth and decay as well as the sheer complexity of it that draw me into biology, but you probably already have heard loads about that kind of thing.
Thank you for the stopping by and the chat. It... was fun.
Malabarista - now with added pony Posted Oct 10, 2006
Sounds like a good reason to study it, yes
and sure - you mean no more chatting now?
But maybe I should go to bed, got an exam in less than 14 hours
Thorn Posted Oct 10, 2006
Well, not exactly that in so much as... I have a lab class to get to in about 10 or so minutes, the walk is a bit long.
I'm sorry for if I had came across as kind of a grump yesterday It wasn't your fault.
Thorn Posted Oct 10, 2006
Oh, okay. }Phew{
Well, I suppose you might call it that. The stuff Ihave to learn in there does seem a might useful at least, if failing to be the first one.
Yes, it is alright. An alright class.
thank you.
Thorn Posted Oct 11, 2006
I am in it still. It's a computer lab, drop-in basis sorta. Not too many people showed. The instructor made the unfortunate mistake at the beginning of the semester to in part of her description of the course to use the word "optional" for the days that weren't where we had tests or exams. Most of time not so many people are around unless it's a class day or two ahead of when we have the test wither the week of it or the week before.
Geez. /
, Sheesh.
Malabarista - now with added pony Posted Oct 11, 2006
I see - I thought you meant as in laboratorium...
What're you supposed to be doing in this one? Our computer classes are all drawing, photo editing and CAD.
Thorn Posted Oct 11, 2006
Intro. stuff for things a science major may need to know how to do electronically. Things that are useful to a number of specializations regardless; you know, like different programs you can use to pull together certain kinds of things you may need for on a report or a write-up of an experiment, ways how to use a database management program to catalogue and sort different kinds of data and so on, how to use various kinds of this or that for graphs, import/export of stuff, changing/converting something from one filetype to another. That sort of thing.
Oh, and graphs.
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- 13: Malabarista - now with added pony (Oct 10, 2006)
- 14: Thorn (Oct 10, 2006)
- 15: Malabarista - now with added pony (Oct 10, 2006)
- 16: Thorn (Oct 11, 2006)
- 17: Malabarista - now with added pony (Oct 11, 2006)
- 18: Thorn (Oct 11, 2006)
- 19: Thorn (Oct 11, 2006)
- 20: Malabarista - now with added pony (Oct 11, 2006)
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