The Ichneumon Fly

Now, you see, I sign up to these things because it seems like a good idea at the time, and then a request to write witty and informative things gets thrust upon me. And of course, unprepared as I am, I first waffle about the injustice of it all, stalling, buying time before I have to write anything that is in any way relevant. Hmm. This probably says a lot of things about me psychologically. Anyway, yes, all that is here is more or less a waste of perfectly good photons, as it will undoubtedly be replaced with something far more interesting as soon as I have found out what is actually going on around here.

Enough of this drivel, I'm off for a bit of exploring.

Oh, and the Ichneumon fly? Who knows where that comes into anything. For now, it shall remain a mystery.


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More bemusement No Posting Mar 27, 2005
Novelty Mar 19, 2001 No Replies


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