My Space....

Hi, I'm Indy_tempest, and I'm new here...... suppose I should start by telling you a bit about me, so here goes!

Name: Miranda.

Age: 15.

Residence: Suffolk, UK.

Hobbies: Art, photography, reading, writing (especially poetry), making and watching films when I have the chance, and talking!

General Interests: Politics, film, art, small useless bits of psychology, our three cats, dreaming.... animals in general, music, WORLD cinema, and I'm sure I'll think of some more soon!

Aspiration: To become an independent filmmaker- writing, directing or working in production design. biggrin Well, I can dream.......

Fears: Spiders and vomiting (odd, I know!!) Oh, and Holywood films with Brad Pitt in!

Random Facts: I've got three cats, which I dote upon, I hate the media cliches of yob culture and other derogatory teenage stereotypes (my pet hate), I'm recovering from 2 years of Glandular Fever at the moment, and I NEVER shut up.....


So- It's nice to be here..... and, um, see you all around I suppose! biggrin

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Researcher U1691852


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