This is the Message Centre for Lee

How are we

Post 21


Every thing my main love is NRG, Hard House and Techno but I like every thing it's a hard question. I also like my recreational drugs so fast music does it for mesmiley - tea

How are we

Post 22


Ahh. Quite different taste from mine, then. Techno has never done it for me...the fewer synthesizers and electronica the better. I swoon for the sweet rythems of the guitar. So what about films? Got any favorites?

How are we

Post 23


I like films that make me think. I'm not very good at remembering names but some include:Momento
Donny Darko
Pulp Fiction
Scarface and loads more
also alot of comedy:Super Troopers
Human Traffic
Well I was going to write a list but got bored I also like action and cartoon. What are you in to?smiley - tea

How are we

Post 24


Donny Darko is was Super Troopers. Pulp Fiction was awesome. But my favorites are Fight Club, Death to Smoochy, High Fidelity, anything with Lindsay Lohan and everything Monty Python...if this is to be a short list.

Books next?

How are we

Post 25


Monty Python is great I agree.
Books are hard work for me because I go through stages of reading different books. I mostley like true stories about the SAS but I'm open to read different stuff. I don't really find time to read them.
What about you?smiley - tea

How are we

Post 26


Mostly really old, cheesy Science Fiction, and things that catch my eye in the bookstore. But usually the things I read I end up liking a great deal. I discovered Dave Eggers when I picked up A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius on a whim...I'm not picky about what I read.

How are we

Post 27


Happy new year how did you get on last night?smiley - tea

How are we

Post 28


Completely uneventfully. was 100% sober and had no one to kiss. (Instead had to give the dog a pat.) I watched the ball drop in Times Square while sitting in my pajamas in the living room, alone. And Dick Clark was sick, so Regis Philbin was subbing, and when they started the countdown, he was one count off, so the new year began and regis was still counting...consequently, my first words of the year were "Damn you, Regis." We'll see how all of this pans out in the end. What about you?

How are we

Post 29


Crap spent the night running around different house partys only to spend 12 o'clock with 4 people on the lighter side of things I let off a massive box of fire works. Oh and I didn't have anyone to kiss either.
Do you have any new year resolutions?smiley - tea

How are we

Post 30


No specific resolutions. I'd like to be a better person, in general. I guess this year I'm just going to try and get my shit together. You?

How are we

Post 31


Same again and stop smoking cigaretts.
I was going to say fags but that means something different to you doesn't it?smiley - tea

How are we

Post 32


I would've known what you meant. Yeah, cigarettes...can't say I've ever considered smoking them regularly.

How are we

Post 33


I only started because I was bored at work and it wastes some time. Now I'll just stick with weed smiley - tea

How are we

Post 34

Lee's less harmful, by and large. Yet somehow illegal. I don't understand it.

How are we

Post 35


All music Hard House, Techno, Trance, NRG, Rock, 60's, 70's, 80's, Hip Hop all music if it sounds good I listen to it.smiley - tea

How are we

Post 36


Well, sure it has to sound good. No one listens to stuff they think sounds bad...unless they enjoy earbleeds and throbbing headaches.

How are we

Post 37


So what sort of graft do you do?smiley - tea

How are we

Post 38


now there's a word I don't understand. forgive me my ignorance.

How are we

Post 39


Sorry I forgot it means work I don't know where it came from thoughsmiley - tea

How are we

Post 40


I see. Well, I'm currently a full-time college student. I'm going for English and Creative Writing. I'm a jeweler--a semi-lucrative hobby, but I only sell at Art Shows in the summers. So...mostly I do nothing, even at school, because I'm pretty firmly planted in the humanities department. But what about you?

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