This is the Message Centre for Lee

How are we

Post 1


I'm English I assume you're American. I just wanted to ask a few questions if thats ok with yousmiley - tea

How are we

Post 2



How are we

Post 3


Over this side of the pond It's dead easy to drink on the streets if you know where to go and the coppers don't bother so much as they seem to on Tv and such. What's it like over that end?smiley - tea

How are we

Post 4


Well, currently I don't reside in the the real world, but rather college world, namely small private liberal arts college world. And because this is college, there is widespread public drinking. And this is private property so the police don't come around.

But why do you want to know? Does it bother you that people drink in the street? Are you taking it up as a hobby? Do you think moving to the states would help you to be able to do this? Help me out here, I'm quite confused.

How are we

Post 5


No nothing to do with any of that I'm under the frame of mind that as long as it doesn't hurt anybody other than yourself do it. The only things I know about America are what I see in the media and I don't like stereotyping people.smiley - tea

How are we

Post 6


Well, I really don't know how Americans are portrayed in British media, but in my humble opinion, we are loud,intolerant, commercially driven, ignorant slobs. If that's what the papers and television tell you, then they're right on.

Of course there are exceptions.
Though not many.

And I'd agree with your point. As long as you're not hurting anybody, do whatever you please.

How are we

Post 7


Well you're right they are portrayed like that over here. I never thought it was right though how are we portrayed over theresmiley - tea

How are we

Post 8


Well, the sense I get about British people in general (offensive statement, I know, because no two people are the same and it only takes one really stupid or famous person to create a stereotype) is that they are proud to be English, tolerant of diversity, have excellent senses of humor and are the only people who REALLY know how to make good tea.

Am I completely off base?

How are we

Post 9


Are you sure you're not English. We're a bit protective of our land (England)and not big fans of foreigners who come to live here (Trying not to sound racist) We don't mind visitors or fit woman though.smiley - tea

How are we

Post 10


I'm very flattered, but I'm 100% Midwestern American, sad as it is. But it's very good to know you don't mind fit women coming to visit.

How are we

Post 11


Nothing wrong with anyone coming to visit but fit woman can staysmiley - tea

How are we

Post 12


What kind of tea is that?

How are we

Post 13


Yorkshire tea it's only cheap but it's the bestsmiley - tea

How are we

Post 14


I like Earl Grey best.

How are we

Post 15


Noooooooooooooooo bloody hell, you about gave me a hart attack.
Well each to there own. What do you drink over there?smiley - tea

How are we

Post 16


Well, most Americans don't drink tea, just coffee, which is horrible, if you ask me. But here on campus there are a lot of tea drinkers, mostly green tea, though. No black or white or anything like that. Otherwise, we drink Gatorade and Coke. And also bottled water...for some reason we haven't figured out that it comes out of the taps... But I'm partial to apple juice with just a little bit of cranberry juice in it. And also pink lemonade.

How are we

Post 17


I like tea, coffee, milk, Stella, water (out of a tap), orange juice and lemonade that I make. Whats the difference between pink and colourless lemonade?smiley - tea

How are we

Post 18


Pink Lemonade is much more fun. I mean, it's pink. You look at it and think "Hey, party!"

How are we

Post 19


You're a bit strange really arn't you. When I go to a party I drink beer and some spirit. What sort of music are you in to?smiley - tea

How are we

Post 20


Well, I'll listen to most anything for a while...except for country western music. I really enjoy stuff from the 60s and 70s...Beatles, Rolling Stones, Creedence Clearwater that. More recent things I like would be The Flaming Lips, Franz Ferdinand, Steve Burns and Eve 6. Dance music is okay, sometimes, as is Hip Hop, and there's no better way to spend a summer afternoon than at a folk, blues and bluegrass festival. What about you?

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