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Post 1

Reality Manipulator

I have just come out as a 39 year old lesbian, please tell me what should I do?


Post 2


Ok, first things first, you have to dye our hair, try your best to look like a hippy, get lots and lots of candles, and buy a puppy or kitten! These are all must haves. I do realise that lot all lesbians are hippy or animally inclined, so in that case my bi-male advice is useless.
Ne1 else got ne suggestions?


Post 3


Go celebrate your new found freedom.

There is nothing that one of smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - discosmiley - cheers does not solve.

smiley - starStay Beuatifulsmiley - star



Post 4

Reality Manipulator

I hope I have not put a spoke in the wheel but I have discovered I am really bi-sexual. I am having what you call a delayed adolesence, as I never had one at the proper time. My wisdom teeth are coming through now at the age of 39.

Sadly I am temporarily on medication which stops my drinking smiley - alesmiley - bubblysmiley - stiffdrink.

smiley - tasmiley - smileysmiley - ok JA smiley - wizardsmiley - star

Being shy does not help me.


Post 5


aw well!
Good luck with whomever you choose!
We're not bothered who you end up with, just find your soul mate, thats all that matters!
Good luck and blessed be!

Merry x-mas/yuletide/hanuka



Post 6

Reality Manipulator

smiley - oksmiley - ta very> much Firsty

Happy New Year



Post 7

Bebel Matman Owlatron's Thundercat Tshirt Dude

Well I'm not even a woman, let alone a bisexual one, so I'd forgive you disregarding any advice I try to offer, but I don't see why you should treat your love life any different to if you were straight-
i.e. Don't spend all your time worrying about whether you're single or a virgin or whatever, just enjoy life and being who you want to be, and if the right opprtunity comes along, take it. Unless you're really horny and desparate to find out what it's like, in which case if you're in a real rush, hire an escort, explain the situation and if she's professional she should be able to help, or just go out to a gay club and try to meet people.
If you have any close gay friends, they're obviously the first people to talk to. They should be able to help you find your feet.
Whatever happens, enjoy yourself, but be careful! smiley - rainbow
Oh, and let us know how it goes! smiley - winkeye

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