Journal Entries


So I'm back, I just went to TBell with my bluebird. It made me feel better, a little. And now my roommate's back and my favorite song is playing.

I think my Education book is what made me depressed. I'm still lonely, but it's not as bad now. The book is very depressing. It's all about how no one respects teachers and they don't get paid anything and they have way too much work and no one cares what they say and no one supports you and you can't get a job without being in one of the two major unions unless you want to teach at a lutheran school and get paid even less. I'm having second thoughts about being a teacher. Of course, If I'm not a teacher, I have no idea what I would be. Because right now, the thing that gets me the most excited is being able to discuss and analyze books and stuff. So I figured, Lit teacher, right? And I'm not that interested in much else. I mean, I have other interests, too many, but none that are That exciting for me. And even acting is an on the side thing. A huge on the side thing, a minor, maybe, but still secondary. Plus, I'm not good enough, beautiful enough, or driven enough to earn food through acting. And I don't think I'd want to anyway. If I minored in acting, it would be so that I could go to some school without a theater program (or a good one) and start one up, to give kids the opportunity, y'know?

So that was my whineing session for tonight.

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Latest reply: Sep 4, 2006


First day of school today. I've been on campus for 4 days, mostly being shuffled from one oriantation to another like a cow, and feeling anything but oriantated. But I found all my classes alright, and they mostly seem like fun (except Education in Society - what is that?). I already have a job, and today's my first day at that as well. I'm all moved in and pretty comfortable.

Wow, I guess that's all I have to say.

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Latest reply: Aug 28, 2006

Blah, Blech, Blotch

Working at McDonald's has only reinforced my general view of humanity - People, on the whole, are stupid. And, of course, worse in groups. That's called "Groupthink," I learned about it in Psyc 101smiley - magic. So obviously, when the country goes down the drain, it's always the president's fault. Granted, he will have a lot to do with it, but whose idea was it to put him in office in the first place? smiley - erm I'm not complaining about our current president specificly, but maybe we should go back to a monarchy. A more restricted one, maybe with the three branches and the bicameral legislature like we have, just without elected presidents. And they don't have to marry other royals, either. But there have been good kings and bad kings, just like good presidents and bad presidents. Although a monarch would have had the power to take good and, especially, bad to newer, more severe levels. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, I hate people.

I got an e-mail from a people yesterday. smiley - erm It rambled on for quite a while about how depressing life is and how leaving home is scary and how just when we think we've finally cut the ties, we find ourselves tripping over the string anyway. smiley - sadface Then it started talking about how we never hang out anymore, and we never talk anymore, and boo-hoo, why is that? smiley - wah Of course, this bit of ramblings is prefaced by "I now realize..." I NOW realize? What's that? Has the fact that we've barely seen each other for 6 months and that when we do, one or the other of us just gets pissed off at the other suddenly sunken in? Then this people begins to contredict itself, if not in a way that would be very obvious to anyone who haden't known this people almost better than themselves for 6 years. smiley - hug The end of one paragraph is, "I wonder why we've grown apart and how it has or has not effected you." The next paragraph (and the e-mail) ends with this: "I don't want to go back to high school, and I don't want to stay where I'm at... but it's hard to say good bye." So is this a goodbye letter, or a where-are-you-please-talk-to-me letter? smiley - erm So after getting ticked off about that, I sent rather a harsh e-mail back. But was it too harsh? My basic assesment of the situation involved the two of us un-consiously pushing one another apart, because we knew our time together was about to end. smiley - tea Which does explain why whenever I'm around this people lately, my personality seems to shift toward all of the things it hates about me. Which never made sense before, because I usually dislike those parts as well. Then again, it could be that I was trying be inflamitory, because the people was pissing Me off so much. But then, that's one of those afore-mentioned aspects of my personality.

I suppose it wasn't That harsh of a letter, considering that I left out what a concited, egotistical, holier-than-thou, know-it-all, moraly-relativistic, judgement-challenged people I find it to besmiley - erm, avoided the jibes about the love interest who got shipped off to Colorado to escape it and to have some work done on the psycological and emotional problems the people causedsmiley - sadface, didn't bring up the other love interest who became a suicidal, smoking alcoholicsmiley - wah, and refrained from threatening this people if it ever touched my friend who it's had its eye onsmiley - run. So yeah, we haven't talked in a while, we haven't seen each other in a long time, and we probably will not maintain contact when we've moved...I've cut my ties, and I took the precaution of sweeping up the pieces. I can think of many people I'm leaving behindsmiley - wah, who I'm going to miss and who make the world a brighter place just by being in itsmiley - magicsmiley - cheerupsmiley - magic, but right now, this people isn't one of them.

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Latest reply: Jul 24, 2006

AAARRRGGGHHH!!! You dropped a ketsup packet!!!

It drives me crazy when people freak out about things that don't matter. I suppose it does matter to them, but why does that have to effect me? Take lawn-mowing, for example. Why bother mowing your lawn. Often enough that you can do things on it, yeah, sure, but if it gets a little shaggy, is that really a reason to have a heart attack. Who's going to care - your neighbors? I don't even know any of my neighbors.

Or people freaking out because you've embarassed them on your trip to Colorado. So they're embarassed, yeah, that's bad, but they will never see any of those people again, most likely, so I think that should have a calming affect, shouldn't it?

In fact, I find that most of the reasons people get angry are not very good ones. Emotions are a bitch, I think I'll cut mine out.

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Latest reply: Jul 12, 2006


I like when I'm trying to apply for a loan and I need my Government PIN, but I can't remember it, so I go to the e-mail where it was sent to me, but it's not on that e-mail, so I follow the link, and it takes me to a magical PIN providing place where I am told that they won't tell me my PIN because they've told me once already, so I can't apply for a loan anyway and I'm now more screwed than I already was before when I could get the loan.

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Latest reply: Jun 27, 2006

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