Wecome to Castle Arrgggghhhh

Good morning/evening (delete as applicable).

I am Ian, keeper of the castle and i'm 47. I might look like an old woman, but i had un uphill paper run, so go easy.

I'll be 48 in March y'know.

Golf, that's my forte. Golf's the game and um! Ian's the name.

Yes, quite.

Anyhoo, i drive my big lorry most days, round to the other castles delivering stuff dontcha know. I'm not overly keen on the driving bit, but i do love my stuff y'see?.

Got a little wife in tow, and a little girl of 21. Actually i've got two girls of 21 but the other one's not mine. Daughter brought her home one day when she was about 12 and she loved the castle so much she refused to go away again. What's a chap to do?.

The castle is located in the west of Scotland. Irvine to be precise, and stands proudly in it's own grounds overlooking the um, other castles beside it. Quiet area. Few marauding hordes and just the occassional blue light with sirens blaring.

Been here a few years now. Was originally from clydebank, and indeed most of the family still stay around that area. Eldest brother delivers stuff too, just like me. Younger brother delivers people. A train driver by jove.

Well anyhoo, this little ditty is only here to show you that i'm alive and available for all sorts of functions, so, if you've any questions, or you just like dribbling on the keyboard, drop me a line and i'll see what dates are available in me calendar for a reply.

Yours with sensitvity included free of charge


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Ian Mac Mac

Researcher U1661239


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