
  Conversation Title Latest Post Latest Reply
Peer Review: A87928627 - How to Make a Paper Hedgehog [22]No PostingOct 18, 2019
Peer Review: A87942838 - A House Full of Boring Insects, or How not to Have Your House Eaten (Again) [33]No PostingOct 11, 2019
Peer Review: A87937537 - 'Disneyland Adventures' - the Computer Game [13]No PostingOct 11, 2019
Peer Review: A87916422 - Identifying British Birds - Part 1 [15]No PostingOct 8, 2019
Peer Review: A87920832 - Lovecraft - Time, Duality and Identity Crisis [33]No PostingOct 8, 2019
Peer Review: A87924487 - 'The Elf on the Shelf' - the Marketing Phenomenon [18]No PostingOct 4, 2019
Peer Review: A87911166 - Isle of Wight Shipwrecks: Floating Bridge No. 6 [21]No PostingOct 4, 2019
Whats the weather doing where you are? [7731]Jan 3, 2008Oct 1, 2019
Peer Review: A87903859 - Khyber's Kilts and Bristols: Sex, Sexism and Stereotyped Women in the 'Carry On' Films [21]No PostingSep 27, 2019
Peer Review: A87937050 - Godspell: The Musical and the Hymnbook [13]No PostingSep 27, 2019
Peer Review: A87935179 - The Unusual Life and Mysterious Death of Edgar Allan Poe [17]No PostingSep 26, 2019
Peer Review: A87935188 - Pollution Detection - the Case of the Garfield Telephones [16]No PostingSep 24, 2019
Peer Review: A87935232 - Make Mine Music - the Disney Animated Classic [9]No PostingSep 24, 2019
Peer Review: A87935223 - Melody Time - the Disney Animated Classic [10]No PostingSep 13, 2019
SEx: Does freezing dead bodies kill any diseases they may have? [6]No PostingSep 12, 2019

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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