
  Conversation Title Latest Post Latest Reply
Peer Review: A88019300 - Leasowe Lighthouse, Wirral, UK [12]No PostingApr 13, 2023
Peer Review: A88025907 - The Fugitive: How a Fictional Character on the Run Taught Us Empathy and Civil Courage [3]No PostingApr 12, 2023
Peer Review: A88016240 - The Curious Contradictions of PT Barnum, Showman and Philanthropist [6]No PostingApr 12, 2023
Peer Review: A88025916 - Have Yourself a Merry (and Less Depressing) Little Christmas [3]No PostingApr 12, 2023
Peer Review: A88025899 - The Enterprise and the Founding of the US Balloon Corps [3]No PostingApr 12, 2023
Peer Review: A88025853 - Goodbye Lenin, Hello Darth Vader: That Odessa Statue [3]No PostingApr 12, 2023
Peer Review: A88024331 - Divine – Iconic Drag Queen [4]No PostingApr 12, 2023
Peer Review: A88025844 - Bring Your Own Popcorn and Watch an Exploitation Movie: Roger Corman's Swamp Women [3]No PostingApr 12, 2023
Peer Review: A88025826 - l'homme armee [1]No PostingApr 12, 2023
Peer Review: A87996253 - Sorbet - Sweet and Savoury Recipes [21]No PostingApr 11, 2023
Peer Review: A88021118 - August Willich: Union General and Duellist [5]No PostingApr 11, 2023
Peer Review: A88025646 - Doctor Who Enemies: The Great Intelligence and Yeti [3]No PostingApr 11, 2023
Peer Review: A88025394 - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Encyclopedia Galactica [3]No PostingApr 11, 2023
Peer Review: A88025547 - 'Fragile' - the Opening Credits and Film [3]No PostingApr 11, 2023
Peer Review: A88025556 - 'Supergirl' - the Television Series [3]No PostingApr 11, 2023

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Researcher U165955

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Work Edited by h2g2

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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