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Motor Vehicle Maintenance for Thickies (part 2)

Post 41

Lighthousegirl - back on board

In my last company I had a company car that they also paid the fuel for ...

It was great smiley - smiley

I drove an Alfa - always breaking down &/or needing a service and it was really thirsty

Motor Vehicle Maintenance for Thickies (part 2)

Post 42

I'm not really here

I meant why did you pay for another test? You should only pay once, unless you took your car back somewhere else, or took the work elsewhere and took longer than seven days.

Motor Vehicle Maintenance for Thickies (part 2)

Post 43


I didn't. I just punctuated the original sentence poorly.

Motor Vehicle Maintenance for Thickies (part 2)

Post 44

I'm not really here

Ah, I'll go and hide under this stone. smiley - flustered

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