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The arrangements for the 'festive season'

Post 21


Say hello to Toronto for me!

Merry Christmas!

smiley - holly


The arrangements for the 'festive season'

Post 22


I'm actually spending the holiday with someone I want to spend it with GB. Still won't have any adult company, who can cope with my son's behaviour though smiley - sigh. No matter how quiet our Christmas is it's still bound to be too much for Lurch. Oh well. We makes our beds...

The arrangements for the 'festive season'

Post 23


We drove past Toronto the other day.

Not the same one, mind you. smiley - tongueout

smiley - bubbly

The arrangements for the 'festive season'

Post 24

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Hi GD - how is it going?

smiley - bubblysmiley - holly

The arrangements for the 'festive season'

Post 25


I'm now back in the sticks after a couple of days in Toronto.

The whole thing went off really rather well. Everyone was very friendly, the kids were actually rather good fun and very well behaved. I actually had a really good time, which quite frankly surprises me greatly!

The arrangements for the 'festive season'

Post 26

Lighthousegirl - back on board

GD I am really pleased that you have had a good time smiley - kiss

The arrangements for the 'festive season'

Post 27


smiley - ok

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