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What is it with women and shopping

Post 21

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Ah. As far as TX is concerned, Austin is quite unique in having a halfway decent bus service smiley - ok Gawd bless ya CapMetro smiley - cheers

What is it with women and shopping

Post 22

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Oh, one other thing about people on buses in Texas - they don't get up out of their seat until several seconds after the bus has stopped, and then take a leisurely stroll down to the front of the bus (walking past the exit doors in the middle) to disembark smiley - erm

What is it with women and shopping

Post 23

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I think GD doesn't realize that when we're getting the shopping tilled up our minds are already racing ahead at what _else_ we have to get at _other_ stores so we don't go home without it, and how will we manage to carry it all without a) a bag splitting b) someone tutting behind us as we realize the woman has asked us for the money, and there was I, dreaming of that bloke on a white horse who is waiting outside the supermarket, waiting to take me away from it all. (Not).


Who'd have 'em.

Never around when you need a radiator fixing, or shopping carrying.smiley - cross

By the way, I will never have beer nuts again - since I heard that they're infected with rotovirus 'cos of people who never wash their hands after visiting (and using) the toilet. Then helping themselves to a fistfull of peanuts on the bar.

Haha, put you all off beer nuts for life now as well.

smiley - laugh

What is it with women and shopping

Post 24


I probably shouldn't be telling you that, as it might spoil some of the success they're having, but the women queueing in front of you are actually a gang.

They have you watched and when they see you entering a shop (or any similar place) they haste to get some few items and make sure they get to the counter just in front of you. The group that succeeds in making you wait for the longest period (divided by the number of items they purchased) get the most points.

Making you wait twice the same day counts double...

smiley - nahnah

What is it with women and shopping

Post 25

Lighthousegirl - back on board

its a good game that one!!!

Oh and I have been on a bus in Austin - they are pretty good!

What is it with women and shopping

Post 26

riotact : like a phoenix from the ashes

i looked at this thread because i thought it was about a whole other aspect of women and shopping: shoes.

i know about frenchwomen mostly... my little 7 year old madamoiselle can't go by a shoe store window without stopping for 5 minutes... at least not in europe or new york. here in salinas her cutest "kids say the darndest thing" was breaking down in howls of laughter at penney's saying, "american women don't understand a thing about shoes, do they?"

she got some pretty sour looks!

What is it with women and shopping

Post 27

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

<<"american women don't understand a thing about shoes, do they?">>

How delightful!smiley - laugh

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