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Late night / Early morning

Post 21

E G Mel

So what could have been a simple case of re-filling the filling could now be much more extensive smiley - nurse

Saying that one of my Baby teeth (yes I still have a couple) has a filling which is done with the white stuff (It was supposedly better for the tooth smiley - erm) and it's starting to wear down so I need to go to the dentist when I get back.

Mel smiley - hsif

Late night / Early morning

Post 22

Lighthousegirl - back on board


Not only not going to the dentist but still not sleeping consistantly! Cant be easy being permanantly on a different time zone to those around you smiley - erm

And I know its not easy being permanantly shattered smiley - sadface

Late night / Early morning

Post 23


Different time zones?

Yes, I travel the world from the comfort of my own home smiley - biggrin

Late night / Early morning

Post 24

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Well your body clock is obviously set for somewhere other than the UK!

So what places have you visited from your favourite chair recently?

Late night / Early morning

Post 25


We were briefly in the Ural mountains, though I soon relocated to southern Brazil as the weather is much nicer smiley - smiley

Late night / Early morning

Post 26

Lighthousegirl - back on board


Was there someone on the chair with you?

Late night / Early morning

Post 27


No it's just a kind of a Royal 'we'. One man and his desk. That sort of a thing smiley - smiley

Late night / Early morning

Post 28

Lighthousegirl - back on board

Sounds like the modern BBC urbanite replacement fro 'one man and his dog'

One man and his desk ...

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