I'm a husband and father from Austin, TX. I work as a web developer and play as a web surfer. God, that sounds so pathetic...

I'm a Hitchhiker's fan from a long way back, and I'm excited to be exploring the real Guide.

My great unanswered trivia question: In the original HHGG radio series, the group exits the Heart of Gold and prepares to step onto the surface of the legendary planet of Magrathea. As they disembark, the soundtrack begins to play Pink Floyd's "Wish You Were Here". Arthur comments, "Hey, did you know this robot [referring to Marvin] can do Pink Floyd?" Then follows a bit where Marvin does the Beatles as well. In the tapes I bought of the series, that bit is missing. My great unanswered question is: Was the bit removed because of licensing issues, or some other reason?

Personal Role Models: Montgomery Burns, Emperor Palpatine


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Pink Floyd in H2G2 Radio Series? May 15, 2001 May 17, 2001


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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