This is the Message Centre for MissERigby

Archeaology? Cool!

Post 1

Jessi Q

Hope you like it here...I've only been here a few days and I'm already starting to feel at home. But then again, wherever I lay my hat....
Whatever that goes to show!!!
smiley - smiley

Archaeology? Cool!

Post 2


Hi, nice to meet you! So what if you lose your hat and never find it again? Are you then homeless? =)

Archaeology? Cool!

Post 3

Jessi Q

Doesn't the thought just sadden your very soul!
I shall have to keep a firm grip on my hat!!!
smiley - smileyJessi

Archaeology? Cool!

Post 4


I should get myself one of those hats. Put your hat down in enough places, and you could soon have an entire empire at your command. Empress Jessi Q. =P

Archaeology? Cool!

Post 5

Jessi Q

Jessi will do fine thank u!

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