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Congrats! You've been CAC'd

Post 1

CAC Continuum

Your piece 'song wings' has been selected for publication in the next issue of the CAC Continuum U555493 Look out in the 21st July Edition of <./>ThePost</.>

Well Done!! smiley - bubbly

Congrats! You've been CAC'd

Post 2


smiley - cheers Helen . . . congratulations!

Congrats! You've been CAC'd

Post 3


hey michael, thanks - I'm not entirely sure at the moment what I'm dealing with here, but have just checked out the links in the mysterious communication entitled "congrats,you been CAC'd" and it seems to be AWW - so I feel on home ground. ...

In the last few days I've been trying to face down a bit of inner shadow to do with my output and it all - its familiar territory but it still makes me as nervous as it ever did - if I'm putting writing out at all - or drawing, or music or anything - it has to be from my heart, an extension of myself - an interactive communication, some kind of magic or mystery (or in my case, healing) rather than something that is attached to my name -

however, I seem to fit in the AWW part of h2g2 as everyone seems to be individual and open minded and unusual in some way - so I'm going to trust this one - I didn't have to join the site, did I - I think this is my time to really face down this inner-spook -

does any of this make any sense?


Congrats! You've been CAC'd

Post 4


slay a demon and set my name free? - those vultures that ate my brains because I didn't say the right thing in the right way - they can fly away now - no, maybe transform into phoenix-vultures - thanks to places like h2g2 and some other places where outsiders can rest their tattered wings -

don't I go on - forgive -


Congrats! You've been CAC'd

Post 5


to the CAC continuum -

thanks for your message - forgive my delay in replying - I am new to the site, and didn't know who you were ...

I am nervously aware that my little "song wings" piece is flyin' around out there with somewhat limited punctuation - will edit if standards require - otherwise, well ..... let's let it fly without its caps, full stops or dashes ....

Helen (cactuscafepart2)

Congrats! You've been CAC'd

Post 6


Guidelines? Guidelines??!?

Not to worry, Helen.

In the CAC (Committee for Alien Content) Continuum, anarchy reigns supreme (unless of course that inherently ridiculous contradiction in terms makes your head spin more than you care for, in which case we could just say 'we don't need no stinkin' punctuation" here.)

smiley - weird

Congrats! You've been CAC'd

Post 7



Helen. have a smiley - tea on me

Congrats! You've been CAC'd

Post 8


hmm? guidelines? grammer? punctuation? bah. we speet on theez at zee CAC! All we ask for is great writing. And you supply...oh you do... smiley - smiley

Frood (UnderGuide CAC Liaison)

Congrats! You've been CAC'd

Post 9


oh ... hullo frood ....thankyou

please forgive me - when you first sent me the message I really didn't know who the CAC or Underguide or anyone was - and I was a bit shy and nervous ..

my navigation around h2g2 has been somewhat eccentric - I thought we all just did writings, read them, talked to each other and then that was that - I didn't know anything about the Post or you folks!

Anyway, thankyou for what you have set up - (I've done my research now!) - I am still amazed that you were interested in "song-wings" - I'm more used to thinking I'm going to be kidnapped and experimented on - so outsider do I feel -


Congrats! You've been CAC'd

Post 10


So, umm, Helen... I guess that means you didn't read the small print in the footnotes of the CAC 'What We're REALLY All About' page. You know, the part about kidnapping and experimenting and so forth and so on, et cetera, etc.

Well, just as well.

Always best when the abductions come as a complete surprise anyway.

smiley - magic

Congrats! You've been CAC'd

Post 11


you know, Michael, I think I am going to send you an ant

smiley - ant


Congrats! You've been CAC'd

Post 12



Don't stress over thinking you might be an outsider, there's really not any cliques or groups involved in the UnderGuide and the CAC, we take anyone. Well we weren't sure about ol' mike though. He did go ON AND ON about the probing. *sigh*

Hope you enjoy hootoo though, the CAC is keepin' an eye on you smiley - laugh (not really, but we're all loving your writings very much and would like to think that more of hootoo will enjoy them by reading the CAC and the UnderGuide)


Congrats! You've been CAC'd

Post 13



no doubt I'll find out -

thanks frood!


Congrats! You've been CAC'd

Post 14


oh ..... dawning of sunrise brain here ... hootoo = h2g2! ?

hootoo hootoo = owlsound in the smoke dark night

michael ..... before you start ...smiley - ant


Congrats! You've been CAC'd

Post 15


- in fact I am becoming mesmerised by the hootoo sound - a curious owlsound in the dark - wake up strange artists, don't fear don't fear - there's a place for you here - --

thankyou hootoo owls

--oh, I'm in deep mood this morning, haven't had my coffee yet -


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