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rules of dieting

Post 241


and I have yet to find something illegal or immoral that I haven't enjoyed... smiley - wah

rules of dieting

Post 242

Shhhhhh........due to circumstances and stuff - I think I'm back now! and a bit of front :-)

What about the fattening bit????

rules of dieting

Post 243

Moving On

What about it?

rules of dieting

Post 244


Yeah. Hand it over!

NO rules of dieting

Post 245

Shhhhhh........due to circumstances and stuff - I think I'm back now! and a bit of front :-)

Shan't shan't - It's mine smiley - nahnah

Anyway - it's my pro..

it's my perrog......

it's my perrogogogoa

I'll get fat if I wan't too!!!

NO rules of dieting

Post 246

Moving On

But do you *really* want to get fat? I didn't. Some of us just get plumpness thrust upon us.... must be all that lettice. Triksy stuff is lettice.

NO rules of dieting

Post 247


some are born to greatness...

NO rules of dieting

Post 248

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

"it's my perrogogogoa..." Ah, yes, sometimes the words just won't turn over on these cold mornings. smiley - silly

NO rules of dieting

Post 249


cough.... cough......

NO rules of dieting

Post 250


is it morning already? smiley - yikes

but i haven't finished monstrous regiment yet

NO rules of dieting

Post 251

Shhhhhh........due to circumstances and stuff - I think I'm back now! and a bit of front :-)

'Smornin now!!!!

and I wish I had more weight to combat the cold!!!

NO rules of dieting

Post 252

Moving On

I've a spare couple of stone you can have, if you like... one careful owner and all that...

NO rules of dieting

Post 253

Shhhhhh........due to circumstances and stuff - I think I'm back now! and a bit of front :-)

kind offer!! Maybe I'll try a large Scotch as well eh!

NO rules of dieting

Post 254

Moving On

smiley - sadface but I'm a large...smiley - erm Celt, I think.

Tell you what, I'll have a smiley - stiffdrink too! Cheers.

(Hasn't warmed me up atall... but I feel a lot happier about meself!)

NO rules of dieting

Post 255

Shhhhhh........due to circumstances and stuff - I think I'm back now! and a bit of front :-)

If you have enough you won't care if you're cold!!!

NO rules of dieting

Post 256

Moving On

So I'm given to understand....

NO rules of dieting

Post 257

Shhhhhh........due to circumstances and stuff - I think I'm back now! and a bit of front :-)

No experience then???

tee hee

NO rules of dieting

Post 258

Moving On

Who, me? smiley - angel

smiley - whistle

NO rules of dieting

Post 259

Shhhhhh........due to circumstances and stuff - I think I'm back now! and a bit of front :-)

smiley - evilgrin

NO rules of dieting

Post 260

Moving On

Hah! And *this* from a man who has a self confessed drunken knee!

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