This is the Message Centre for .
kabads Started conversation Jun 19, 2001
on becoming a scout! Well done and happy surfing.
. Posted Jun 20, 2001
I'm not a scout yet am I? What's it like? Is it difficult? I imagine I'll do a very bad job. Do you like it?
BTW, I went to that hidden entry, and I think it might be because I had some external links in (but I thought they were allowed in guide entries ).
How are your twins going?
kabads Posted Jun 20, 2001
You are a scout, as it's been mentioned on the scout mailing list, although Mark is after your email - he can't get you on the list without that, so I would email it for him if I were you.
It's quite tough at the moment, because it's new to me too, but they're all friendly enough. I've just made my first recommendations, and that's the scary bit. It does take time to find a good entry, and I worried that I wouldn't find them (I thought other scouts would beat me to it). I found the one's I liked in the end. YOu can see them once you join the mailing list.
As for the boys - they're ok, although I just got a text message saying that Joe isn't too good. He's running a temperature and Teresa's waiting for the health visitor to call.
As for your entry, I can't see it, so I don't know what's wrong with it. I thought external urls were allowed - I've got some on my site.
If you want to email it to me, I'll have a look for you. ~
Well done again
. Posted Jun 21, 2001
Hmmm...yes, he keeps on posting to me about it. Would you belive that I can't get into that email account now? I've emailed him from somewhere else though.
I hope your recommendations get accepted. I'm scared stiff acout making some of my own.
I hope he gets better soon and hope Teresa isn't too stressed out. Any more signs of their handedness yet?
Erm...I got rid of the URL's and it came back...I think it's back, go check again
If you'd like to read my other recommended one while you're waiting, it's
kabads Posted Jun 22, 2001
have you got your email set up on the mailing list yet?
kabads Posted Jun 23, 2001
oooeer - not sure how to help - can't you change your email address in preferences? I know I did recently.
kabads Posted Jun 26, 2001
You'd better sort it out soon. I found that to make the picks I needed to sort of prepare for it - it took time to find good ones and then try and see if it was in the guide and whether it was plaigarised (sp?) from anywhere else. I wanted to get it right. You will need to register with Yahoo groups to do this - I would try and sort it as soon as possible.
. Posted Jun 27, 2001
I think I've nearly joined properly. I'm really nervous about making recommendations. Have you considered copying my twins entry and putting it on yours and putting my name up the top with yours as a researcher thingo?
kabads Posted Jun 27, 2001
I'm not sure how I would do that - how do you make it written by 2 people? Good to hear you've signed up.
. Posted Jun 28, 2001
I think you put the list of researchers up the top.
How do I get to the calander page? Whenever I go there it just says to me "Sorry, you are not a member of the group h2g2scouts".
kabads Posted Jun 28, 2001
You have to be logged in to access that- have you been invited to join yet (you will have received an email asking you to join the group). If you haven't been invited, you can't get in
If you haven't been invited, I can get things going
You will need to register a yahoo id to log into their groups as well, which is sometimes a pain. Have you done that yet? That needs to be attached to your email address.
Any more problems, get back to me.
. Posted Jun 29, 2001
I've got a yahoo id left over from the h2g2chat. I tried to join but don't know the results yet...'cos it's a an invitation only group. Yes I have been invited. I've got onto the mailing list through my email but not thgorough yahoo. Sorry about all the typos this com,puter is absolute s**t and I don't have time to go and fix them
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- 6: . (Jun 23, 2001)
- 7: kabads (Jun 23, 2001)
- 8: . (Jun 26, 2001)
- 9: kabads (Jun 26, 2001)
- 10: . (Jun 27, 2001)
- 11: kabads (Jun 27, 2001)
- 12: . (Jun 28, 2001)
- 13: kabads (Jun 28, 2001)
- 14: . (Jun 29, 2001)
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."