This is the Message Centre for melbmum

ACE's welcome melbmum!

Post 1

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

I'm popping by as 1 of the assistant community editors or <./>ACEs</.> here. We greet the newbies like yourself & leave you useful links. Those should help familiarize you with the site a bit & get you settled in. Now being quite new you can visit/check out the 'Welcome page'@ A53146 . You might also consider putting together a brief introduction...just a bit about yourself - only as much as you're comfortable sharing. You'll be able to decorate/accentuate or personalize that a fair bit. Look@'spicing up your page'( A690518 ) for explanations of your options. And if there's an aspect you need some help with consult the Personal Space Workshop@ A1123354 .

Like most large communities we have numerous Clubs & Societies, as well as a newspaper <./>thepost</.>. The Post comes out every Thurs. evening British time & you'll find the Clubs & Societies listed by category@ A660340 .

And finally my colleague Feisor has compiled a fairly comprehensive list of Hints & Links@ A719840 . So take your time going over that...bit by bit, depending on your schedule. And in the process have a good look around, there's plenty to see! I think you'll find this a friendly & informative community to be apart of. If you have any questions or anything feel free to leave me a message by using the 'Reply' button below. Be seein' you around - so to speak!*waves*

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