Subject?This is supposed to have a subject?

Name:Lord commander of the Imperial Celtic Legions, WeirdNakedManPaintedBlue to my friends and family.

Location:I decline to answer that as it may be used to incriminate me.

Occupation: Building up a suitable nuclear stockpile to wipe the Birtish from the face of the earth.

Date of birth:Last time I checked I was born in the year 2064...or was it 23 bc?

Hobbies and interests: Staring at lint floating through the air, streaking, collecting communist propaganda, and threatning to blow up the British embassy.

Addictions:Anything with real orange flavour, anything with real lime flavour, and a very pretty young elf lady who tends to spend every night making sure I am amazed I was lucky enough to find her.

Qoute: "Why are you staring at me like that?"


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*Poke* Dec 6, 2000 No Replies


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Woad Raider

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