This is the Message Centre for Zeus

Greetings Zeus :)

Post 1


Greetings smiley - smiley

I'm Phoenix, one of the ACEs here at H2G2. Thanks for coming, we hope you enjoy your stay.

I see you've already got another greeting too. smiley - smiley As you can see, we try to be pretty friendly around here and make sure people know they're welcome. smiley - smiley

I checked out the site you suggested. He he he, pretty funny. smiley - smiley It's too bad 'stoned' didn't mean the same thing back then as it does now. If it did, Jews would have the coolest punishment ... Break a law, smoke a bowl, there you're stoned. smiley - tongueout However, getting stoned to death would be really difficult.

If you need any help, just let me know.



smiley - fish

Greetings Zeus :)

Post 2


LoL I never thought of it like that smiley - smiley
would you believe though they told me I was going to hell which was nice of them wasnt it smiley - winkeye

Greetings Zeus :)

Post 3


I believe that we make our own private Heavens and Hells, and that only you can put yourself in one or the other, as your desire dictates.

I've never quite understood why some people put that decision into other people's hands. Then again, there's quite a lot about people that I find confusing. smiley - winkeye



smiley - fish

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