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Asia ?

Post 1


Sounds Fun ? smiley - online2long

Asia ?

Post 2


Indeed it is. A new experience everyday. I grew up in a place that was the same day after day, year after year. You lived the experience of the elders and of those to come. And while that has its own merits, a little surprise everyday seems a little more sane.

Asia ?

Post 3


True - I grew up on the edge of a national park and now I live in London which is full of surprises. Ad Break Would you check out the follwing links we have people from North America, Europe & South Africa giving opinions a voice from Asia would be most welcome. Ok Advert Break over - I promise no more.

Asia ?

Post 4


Thanks. I'll take a look.

Asia ?

Post 5


You will need a stiff drink after that lot smiley - stiffdrink

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