Journal Entries

Towels and gamers

This is a warning. When you encounter what Earth folk call gamers, be prepared to use the towel for combat. They get hostile and violent and throw dice at you. My recommendation is to block with your towel, then whip them before they can react. This way, you can get in the first strike. Just beware of wargamers...they carry large boxes of pewter or plastic miniatures that can be thrown at a moments notice.
Also beware of the one's called Storytellers or Game Masters. They are armed with many very thick and heavy hardbound books that they prefer to bludgeon people with.
Oh, and as a side note...don't comment on their body odors or social skills involving women...

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Latest reply: Nov 23, 2000


Life is looking up!!!!! Sooner or later, I will be out of this Verra-be-damned high school and off at Cornell is good....

Maybe if I begin bargaining with some gods for my soul in return for no more HS...

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Latest reply: Nov 17, 2000

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Cody Ravenheart

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