Journal Entries


Yesterday Carrie e-mailed me to tell me she was coming over to give me a painting that she, well, painted obviously. I didn't think anything of it, I told her she's welcome here whenever, as long as she checks ahead of time, just like all my friends. But when I mentioned it to my Father he got rather upset, apparently I promised I'd spend more time with family this summer, and I haven't been, and so he had me call her and tell her she couldn't come, and it wasn't until later I found out she was already nearly here. She got rather upset about it, and she asked me what my father has against her, which of course I didn't know, so I did what any reasonable human being would have done, I asked him what the hell his problem with her is, needless to say that didn't go over well. But apparently he dislikes her because her he thinks her parent's are alcoholics, and he basically has the opinion that she's sort of a whore, and she basically just does whatever the hell she wants and gets away with it, which of course, since I know her very well, I know the last part of that is pretty much absolutely true, but he doesn't know that, he's just acting on opinions he's formed from the few times he's spent any time around her, and I guess just general impressions. He's freakishly over-protective.
So I guess I made a mistake of trying to explain to her what he's got against her, without hurting her feelings. She asked, and she's one of my best friends, we always try and just be absolutely honest with each other, so I thought she had a right to know. I guess it hurt her feelings more than she let on, because I haven't heard from her today, and she normally e-mails me at least once a day, usually more.
I feel horrible about it, because it's not like there's even anything going on between us, she's seeing someone, and even when she wasn't, we've always just been friends, so my Dad's just freaking out about nothing. It's not like I'm a little kid, I'm seventeen, it's way past time for him to just back off a great deal. But what can I do?

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Latest reply: Jun 7, 2005

Another pointless journal entry

So I tried writing my first guide entry last night, but I couldn't think of anything really good to write about, so I put it in the writing workshop, because it clearly needs a good deal of work, hopefully I'll be able to improve.
At the moment, I'm listening to a playlist of just randomly selected songs that for one reason or another happen to be on my computer, and for an even less understandable reason, I'm listening to them at 1.1 speed. Don't ask...
It's a boring day. Partly cloudy, 85 degrees Farenheit. Way too humid to do anything comfortably outside, except maybe lay around in the sun. Read a good book maybe.
I keep wondering which of my friends will decide to show up next. The other day, a good mate of mine named Shawn, drives up, get's out of his car, comes in my house, and announces that he's waiting to pick his sister up from a party, and since my house just happened to be on his way, he's staying for about an hour, then he plopped down on my couch, and began eating from the bag of fast food he brought with him. This would probably be an oppurtune moment to point out that, my house doesn't just happen to be on the way to anywhere, unless the place you're going to happens to be hell. And futhermore, I've often expressed the fact that I hate it when people just invite themselves over. Then a few days later, Cory calls and asks if he can come hang out for a few hours, I said I didn't see any reason why he couldn't and asked where he was calling from (so I'd know how long it would be before he arrived, obviously...) his response, "Oh, I just pulled off the road to, I guess I'm about five miles away, headed in your direction". So of course I asked the question that any sane person would, "oh, where are were you going in this direction?" and of course, his response, "your house". Right, see, that's what I'm on about!
And I got a call from another of my friends today, Nick, he called basically to bitch about the fact that I didn't come to his graduation (which Carrie had already done, quite well, so his call wasn't as effective as it could have been) I just honestly told them both why I didn't go to their graduation. "No one asked me to..."
He was understanding about it, didn't go over too well with her though, she takes everything I do personally.
After a few years, one begins to see a pattern, my friends are all insane, to some degree.
It's usually a lot of fun though.

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Latest reply: Jun 6, 2005

My day today

It is very hot today. 87 degrees, it's unpleasant. We've been experiencing brown outs off and on all day, making it difficult to get anything done on the computer.
I finally have decided that, one of my dearest friends is quite mad (well, most of them all, but that's beside my current point...). Carrie (the friend I just mentioned) e-mailed me today to tell me she had gotten back from Michigan late last night, which is why she didn't come over, apologized for not e-mailing me very much lately, thanked me for being a "trooper," and that she was very sorry for not being able to come over, she had missed me during her trip, and was preparing to write me a very long e-mail. She then e-mailed me just a few minutes later to tell me that she actually had something else to do, and didn't have time to e-mail me...(anyone else see something funny there?)
Then she e-mailed me about an hour ago, to tell me that she was very tired, that she hadn't gotten more than a few hours of sleep in the last 36 hours, complain about how much she hates her job, and then told me that she was so too tired to e-mail me. But that she'd talk to me tomorrow, and come and visit me sometime this week.
She's nice, a little weird...

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Latest reply: Jun 5, 2005

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