This is the Message Centre for Mrs Bojangles

I'm 1!

Post 21

Mrs Bojangles

smiley - bigeyes

Hello peoples.

Awww, thanks for coming, you've made me go all tickley fuzzy inside.smiley - smiley

So, ofcourse, party hardy, indeed. And only the creme de la creme of pervy riffraff and metalists allowed. Any persons being sensible will be politely asked to leave, after being relieved of any booze or cakes.

smiley - bubbly


I'm 1!

Post 22

Mrs Bojangles

That would be mentalists ofcourse, although any metalists would also be most welcome.smiley - rolleyes

I'm 1!

Post 23


I'm a metalist!

*offers cheese and pineapple stuck on a nail*

I'm 1!

Post 24

aka Bel - A87832164

I was just thinking : must look up metalists,are they people who listen to Metallica, or what ? smiley - biggrin

I'm 1!

Post 25

Mrs Bojangles

Is that what you kids do these days.

Is it a rusty nail?smiley - drool I do love a bit of lockjaw.

I'm 1!

Post 26

Mrs Bojangles

Well, we used to call them grebos in my day.

smiley - biggrin

I'm 1!

Post 27


What else is there to do but hang around shady alleyways looking for a metal dealer? smiley - erm

smiley - disco

I'm 1!

Post 28

aka Bel - A87832164

Grebos, eh ? Ok, I'll look that up instead smiley - run

I'm 1!

Post 29

Mrs Bojangles

Yup! Nowt like a bit of welding of a Saturday night.

I'm not sure if grebo is an actual word or just a slangy thing B?smiley - erm

I'm 1!

Post 30


It's Saturday?

smiley - yikes

I've missed the Doctor! smiley - wah

I'm 1!

Post 31

Mrs Bojangles

Ah! No! That is to say...smiley - blush

Look, bubblewrap*points*

I'm 1!

Post 32

aka Bel - A87832164

It's nearly Saturday here smiley - winkeye

Grebo : Noun. 1. A lout. Derog.
2. A leather jacketed, long-haired lout, and follower of rock music. Dated. Derog. [1970s]
3. A person or follower of one of the rock music genres, such as 'goth' or 'metal' (heavy, death, nu- etc), and who wears the associated fashions. Derived from noun 2, and generally derog.
* Also spelt greebo.

I'm 1!

Post 33


Bubblewrap! smiley - run


smiley - huh

Mini Oddie?

I'm 1!

Post 34

aka Bel - A87832164

He popped up today smiley - magic

I'm 1!

Post 35

Mrs Bojangles

Well, fancy that being a real word.smiley - bigeyes

Hmmm, minioddie popped up today, to tell me to go look at stuff I've already seen. I have since given him his marching orders, for being rubbishsmiley - cross

I'm 1!

Post 36

Zak T Duck

Who'd win in a desktop brawl, mini oddie or mini motty?

I'm 1!

Post 37


If you download both will mini Motty kick phootballs at mini Oddie? smiley - evilgrin

I'm 1!

Post 38

aka Bel - A87832164

I'm orff to smiley - zzz now, so won't find out, Croz.
Goodnight all smiley - hug

I'm 1!

Post 39

Mrs Bojangles

Croz!smiley - somersault

There's a mini motty?smiley - wow I'd have to go with him I think, because he'd say Motty type things, whereas Oddie just popped.

I'm 1!

Post 40

Zak T Duck

Yeah the mini motty was the original one. They released him for the European Cup two years ago, and updated him for Deutchland 2006.

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