This is the Message Centre for buecax

Welcome buecax.

Post 1

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

Hi, my name is Bassman, one of the A.C.E.s (Assistant Community Editors) here at H2G2. It is my job to give you an insight as to what goes on here and to offer assistance.

Here are all the good places to go:

Got a problem - ask the A.C.E.s here:

Use the "Dont Panic" button which appears on every page - try it, you know it makes sence.

Use the "Search The Guide" button to find entries that researchers have made. If you have anything to add - join in the forum and say so.

Want to add extras to your own page - check this out:

Want to find out about H2G2 news and gossip - try here:

Go here to meet "Newbies" like yourself:

H2G2 Quick Reference Guide:

Or for additional places to go visit my homepage (Click on my name above) find the drop down menu towards the bottom and hang ten!!

That seems to have most things covered, if you give me an idear of what you're into I will be happy to advise further.



Welcome buecax.

Post 2

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

Due to the overwhelming ammont of conversations that I subscribe to as an A.C.E. and active member of the Musician's Guild, I'm having to Unsubscribe to older unanswered messages (Currently running at about 130 messages!! smiley - blue. This doesn't mean I don't want to talk to you.

If you wish to contact me, go to my Space at U47285 and press the "Discuss This Entry" Button. Leave a message and I'll get back to you.

Thanks and 42.

Bassman smiley - cool

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