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Short Subject: Bardcore and Knightly Snark
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Started conversation Aug 31, 2020
Youtube has spawned a new genre of music, which I absolutely love. It's called 'Bardcore', and it consists of musicians playing pop or rock songs on medieval instruments, or with the 'medieval instrument' settings of their keyboards. Here's a startlingly beautiful Bardcore cover of 'Jolene' by Dolly Parton.
Actually, audiences in the Minnesang era would probably have liked 'Jolene'.
The lyrics are either of the 'Ye Olde' fake English variety - what I call 'Howard Pyle English' after the guy who 'translated' Robin Hood and such in my childhood. He tossed in many 'forsooths' and said 'I wot not' a lot.
The really educated Bardcore musicians may even venture into real medieval dialects, such as this version of 'The House of the Rising Sun' in Old French.
Obviously, this sort of thing takes its inspiration from 'The Knight's Tale', the film that features Queen music at jousting matches.
Want more? Google 'bardcore' and enjoy this enthusiastic musical genre!
And now, I bring you my own semi-bardcore version of Walther von der Vogelweide's Palästinalied, with some really cool knightly combat footage. It's from a 1958 television show called 'Lancelot'. This show no doubt inspired Monty Python, because Camelot is truly a silly place.
Drumroll for 'Game of Throwns'. Nobody is beheaded in the making of this feature.
Short Subject: Bardcore and Knightly Snark
Willem Posted Sep 2, 2020
Hi Dmitri! I've been listening to these for a while. Some of the songs don't sound plausible ... chord progressions unlikely to have been possible or even imaginable (maybe) back in the day. But 'Jolene' and 'HOTRS' sound like they work! Not sure about the old French pronunciation though.
Your own vid is cool too! Those scenes do look like they might have come from Monty Python rather than a straight serious movie.
Short Subject: Bardcore and Knightly Snark
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Sep 2, 2020
Thanks, Willem! I agree, the quality on these efforts is, er, uneven. But I'm glad they're having fun.
The tv show I took those from billed itself as serious...but it wasn't a good time for filming the Middle Ages.
Short Subject: Bardcore and Knightly Snark
SashaQ - happysad Posted Sep 19, 2020
Yes, Jolene is excellent as Barcore. House of the Rising Sun sounds good in various versions, as it is a folk tune - that's one of my favourite pieces to play
Knight's Tale was amusing - I watched it for the Queen songs
Love 'Game of Throwns' - that's the sort of swordfighting I can enjoy and the soundtrack and tapestries are impressive
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Short Subject: Bardcore and Knightly Snark
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