Journal Entries
Sunday 10 December
Posted Dec 10, 2000
Tonight I'm going to play skittles and drink beer in a great pub in Edinburgh called the Sheep's Heid Inn. Actually it's in Duddingston -the part of Edinburgh near Arthur's Seat (big extinct volcano for anyone that's not been there). Anyway - it's like very low-tech 10 pin bowling. You can pay for two local schoolboys to set the skittles back up for you. (I've heard they actually run an scam where - for the right amount of money - they'll set the skittles up in such a way that makes it either easy or difficult to knock them over - clever!) Obviously none of that sort of thing will be going on tonight.
Check out the Sheep's Heid if you're ever in the area - it also does a mean Sunday roast (in the posh bit of the pub upstairs).
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